The Well Method Intro to Culinary
Baking Terms Fold In: the lighter mixture is placed on top of the heavier mixture and then the two are combined by passing a spatula down through the mixture, across the bottom, and up over the top. This process continues until the mixtures are combined. Gluten: the protein in wheat flour that creates stretchy strands and traps air carbon dioxide in breads while baking.
Well method In the well method, all dry ingredients are combined (flour + salt + sugar + chemical leavener + spices). All wet ingredients are combined (milk/water + liquid fats + eggs + liquid flavorings). Then, the wet ingredients are poured onto the dry ingredients and gently mixed.
Well Method Things to Remember Don’t think “mix,” think “fold” Gently fold the ingredients together to make a batter. This takes about ten to fifteen seconds. Even if it’s lumpy, “Just walk away.” Lumps are okay in this method—they will settle out on their own. Mixing develops gluten and makes the product chewy Get your batter into tins and into the oven (or on the griddle) relatively quickly so the chemical leavening can do its job.
Well Method 1,2,3 1) Whisk together dry ingredients 2) Whisk together wet Ingredients 3) Make a well and mix in wet ingredients all at once 4) Gently fold together until dry ingredients are just wet.
How to make Muffin Magic Stir-ins: Savory or sweet ingredients that can be chopped up and added to muffins or other quick breads. (chocolate chips, nuts, fruit, cheese) Sugar glaze: Thin liquid made by dissolving sugar in water or fruit jucie. Crumb topping: Crumbly mixture of fat, sugar and flour applied to the top of quick breads before baking. Streusel: Crumbly mixture of fat, sugar and flour that may include spices and nuts applied to the top of quick breads before baking.