Learning Objective: To know when to use: In / on / at https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-practice/prepositions-time
In + Month In January, In March, In April In + year In 2016 In 1066 In + season In Summer, in Winter
On + Day On Monday On Wednesday On Friday On + date On 1st May On 10th June
At + time At 7:30 At 9 o’clock
BUT ‘on’ for special days on my birthday / on the last day of school and ‘at’ for special times. at midnight at bedtime at dinner time
Play Games https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-practice/prepositions-time X 2 games Worksheet Test A1 Level ESOL Book P. 11 Activity B in / on / at
I was born in October. When were you born I was born in October. When were you born? I go shopping, do the gardening and cook on Fridays. What do you do on Fridays? I eat soup and bread at lunch-time. What do you eat at lunch-time?
Grammar Sheet: in/on/at (English Club)