Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped Storage Project Update October 15, 2017
Introducing LEAPS The most advanced, large-scale pumped hydro storage project in the USA will Provide 500 megawatts of clean energy Support variable renewable energy generation in California Improve water quality in Lake Elsinore Provide well-paying construction and operations jobs Contribute to the tax base Provide reliable electricity to California businesses that employ and/or add value for Valley residents FERC P-14227
The Project: stability and reliability for the grid Flexible, reliable electricity source supports less reliable renewable sources 500 megawatt pumped storage facility Generating facility will be underground at foot of Elsinore mountains Lake Elsinore to provide source water, closed loop through upper reservoir in Decker Canyon Two reversible pump turbine units pump water to upper reservoir using low-cost off-peak power, and generate power from water flowing downhill at times of high demand FERC P-14227
Why Now? An idea whose time has come Initially proposed at FERC 15 years ago, ahead of its time California has committed to an aggressive renewables timetable 40% renewables by 2024, 50% by 2030 Wind and solar need back-up for reliability When the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine Natural gas generation is an option, but produces GHGs LEAPS is “nature’s battery” using potential energy stored in water Instantaneous back-up for renewables for increased grid reliability None of the GHG emissions of carbon-based generation None of the issues of lithium batteries FERC P-14227
Why here? Very few places have the unique characteristics of water, topography and opportunities for grid interconnection California needs reliable, environmentally-friendly power to support the grid that benefits all southern California residents There are accessible connections to the grid both north and south of the proposed Santa Rosa substation Lake Elsinore needs aeration to address high nitrogen and phosphorous levels and low oxygen; preliminary studies show that LEAPS will improve water quality by circulating the water Skilled local trades can fill 5 million person-hours of employment during construction Majority of the project located on Federal lands FERC P-14227
Water (Hydro) We have commissioned research into water quality/quantity in Lake Elsinore Work and discussion continue When these studies are completed, they will be reported to FERC and on the LEAPS website as part of the FERC process We believe the project will improve water quality and further enable water management in the valley Will require a Section 401 water quality permit and will obtain water rights later in the process FERC P-14227
Transmission Transmission originates at Santa Rosa substation and runs north to the SCE system and south to the SDGE system Transmission up the mountain will be buried Towers will be sited and colored to minimize aesthetic impact Northern transmission corridor FERC P-14227
Environment FERC issued a final environmental impact statement describing a substantially similar project it could license, but no license was issued We have done a significant amount of work to keep our environmental studies and consultation with relevant agencies fresh FERC process calls for further updates to environmental studies in discussion with other agencies FERC P-14227
Public Outreach The FERC process considers studies and consultations that have occurred in the past but allows adequate time for public input and questions FERC prescribes formal communications mailings, circulation of documents, invitation for suggestions and comments We are committed to engaging the public and answering questions We will hold a public open house after the initial FERC 60-day period FERC will hold a scoping meeting later in the process FERC P-14227
We’re Listening We know our project will impact people Not everyone will be happy, but we’re committed to minimizing impacts LEAPS will provide jobs and tax revenues to the Valley We intend to meet with residents to discuss concerns Lake Elsinore, Sycamore Creek, Sycamore Hills, Serrano Ridge, Horsethief Canyon Ranch, Lakeland Village and Glen Eden, etc. We are preparing Photoshopped transmission facilities from various vantage points Transmission facilities may be less conspicuous than some may think Our modern lifestyles require energy and transmission We are committed to minimizing aesthetic impacts FERC and other agencies will hold us to our commitment California will benefit Helps meet renewable generation targets Reliable electricity for residences and businesses that employ Valley residents FERC P-14227
Why the Waiver? Nevada Hydro requested waiver of FERC’s pre-filing licensing requirements, allowing it to proceed directly to filing a final license application Commission staff prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement in 2007 for a substantially similar project proposal (Project No. 11858) Extensive consultation occurred during that proceeding FERC believes additional issues can be addressed through the post- filing procedures and there will be sufficient opportunity for stakeholders to comment, identify study needs, participate in scoping of issues to be evaluated by FERC in its environmental review, and identify project effects and mitigation needs. We are now in the post-application process FERC P-14227
Approximate FERC Schedule Final License Application submitted October 2, 2017 Public notification and outreach October 2 – Fall 2018 Community outreach and partnerships On-going FERC issues first scoping document Q4 2017 LEAPS open house(s) Early 2018 FERC public scoping meeting Early 2018 Updated EIS 2018 FERC License granted TBD Completion of legal and financing framework 2018-19 Commencement of engineering and construction 2018-19 Commercial operation Potentially Q4 2022 FERC P-14227
Next Steps October 2 Final License Application just the beginning FERC asking for agency confirmation of further studies and information 60-day period to solicit requests for more studies (by December 1 2017) FERC review and clarification is a long process Discussions with agencies, scoping document(s) Ready for Environmental Analysis notice solicits comments, recommendations Presentations to elected officials and municipal administrations Resident outreach LEAPS website FERC website Mailings to affected stakeholders Final License Application available at Lake Elsinore Branch Library (Graham Avenue), San Juan Capistrano Library, and Oceanside Public Library FERC P-14227
Conclusion We are committed to an honest and straightforward discussion of the facts supporting this project The FERC Final License Application is a key source of process and information related to the proposed project Available for review by all stakeholders on websites and in regional libraries Going forward, we will be meeting with interested parties, tribes, municipal and state governments and agencies to discuss the project There will be time for us to provide additional information and for you to provide input FERC P-14227
Thank you!