Lab 2 أعزائي الطلبة هذه الورقة تحتوي فقط على ما قيل عن هذه الصور زيادة عن النظري وأي معلومة ذكرت في النظري وتكررت في العملي لن تجدوها مذكورة هنا ولكنكم مطالبون بمعرفتها بالتأكيد
Fibrinoid necrosis Chronic inflammatory cells attacking the vessel wall Robbins
TB-caseating necrosis Cheese-like Robbins Emphysematous changes
Fibrillary background due to glial cell processes WebPath Macrophages in liquefactive necrosis of brain (brain infarction) Neurons (large nucleus, prominent nucleolus and bulky cytoplasm) Small nuclei are glial cells
Brain atrophy Narrowed gyri Widened sulci WebPath Changes are mainly frontally (Alzheimer case)
Kidney coagulative necrosis Robbins glomerulus
Alzheimer WebPath Tau proteins are the components of these “neurofibrillary tangles”
Degeneration and absence of nuclei MI WebPath Inflammatory cells Degeneration and absence of nuclei
Cardiac hypertrophy WebPath
Barret esophagus WebPath Columnar cell metaplasia ..may be like stomach foveolar epithelium or goblet cells like intestine (intestinal metaplasia) glands
Calcification (arrows) Stroma (connective tissue) WebPath Glands of stomach body/fundus (zymogenic granules in chief cells) vessel
Lipid-laden macrophages in bone marrow (storage disease) WebPath
Tingible body macrophages eating apoptotic fragments of lymphocytes in thymus WebPath
Fatty liver (steatosis) Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) WebPath
Mallory hyaline inclusions (keratin protein) (characteristic but not only in alcoholic liver disease) WebPath
Perl’s or Prussian blue stain ..Iron…blue Hemosiderosis is due to hereditary hemochromatosis or other causes such as multiple blood transfusions (as in thalassemia major cases) WebPath
Lipofuscin in liver…atrophy or autophagy…etc. WebPath Needs Perl’s stain to exclude iron Liver (trabeculae of polygonal hepatocytes)
Hepatocyte atrophy with lipofuscin WebPath