Data Pipeline Town Hall April 2, 2015 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Introductions 3
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Financial Transparency READ 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Special Education Discipline School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Student End of Year Student October Special Education End of Year Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Directory 4
Open Collections 5
Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Collections Directory 4 day school week application open (Closes 5/1/2015) Requests for new school codes (Closes 6/30/2015) RITS EDIS Periodic Collections Report Card March (Closes April 3, 2015) Interchanges All Interchanges are open 6
Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshot 11th Grade Alternate Assessment (Closes May 15th) Student Interchange Directory RITS READ (Opens April 1st – July 15, 2015) SPED IEP 7
Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshot Student End of Year for 2014-2015 Student Interchange Title I Interchange Special Education IEP Directory RITS 8
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 9
Important information about CRDC Launch Date The new 2013-14 CRDC system will be launched very soon If not by Friday, an OCR status e-mail will be sent OCR is load testing for peak performance during heavy usage Official due date set no earlier than 75 days after official launch First indication of official open date will be on Grads360 Superintendents, PCPs and ACPs will receive an e-mail one week prior to official CRDC launch from Hard copy letter will be sent shortly thereafter (receive in 1-5 days) Within 4 days of launch, tips on account information and how to contact the Partner Support Center will be e-mailed On launch day, the link to the production posted numerous places Colorado will edit calendar with pertinent dates and information
Important information about CRDC Launch Date (cont.) We would encourage you to use this time to gather the required data and begin to prepare your submission. Helpful information about preparing for the CRDC is available through the CRDC Resource Center at, including flat file specifications and worksheets to prepare your data submission.
Important information about CRDC Launch Date (cont.) If you are new to the CRDC, the Resource Center contains a Starter Kit that provides several tip sheets and responses to frequently asked questions that you might have concerning the CRDC. The Starter Kit is available at
CRDC Partner Support Center: (844) 338-2732 CRDC Assistance CRDC Partner Support Center: (844) 338-2732 CRDC@SANAMETRIX.COM 13
CRDC Resources Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Colorado Department of Education 14
CRDC Thank you! We are almost there!!! Will continue to give updates Town Halls Points of Contact e-mails CDE website If anxious to start gathering data, provide red fields (data CDE does NOT have) 15
Financial Transparency 16
Financial Transparency: House Bill 14-1292 Beginning July 1, 2015 Local Education Providers (LEA: School Districts, BOCES, Charter Schools and the Charter School Institute) must begin following the financial transparency requirements set forth in HB14-1292: CRS 22-44-105 17
What Comes First? July 1, 2015 In order to demonstrate compliance with financial transparency requirements, the Financial Policies and Procedures Committee (FPP) approved two LEA homepage options: Begin using the Financial Transparency Icon on your website homepage as a link to the July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template or Ensure the words “Financial Transparency” are clearly visible on your website homepage – as a link to the required July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template Use the required July 1, 2015 Financial Transparency Template: CRS 22-44-304 18
Financial Transparency: Icon 19
Website Homepage Example with Icon 20
Website Homepage Example with words “Financial Transparency” 21
Website Homepage Example with Icon 22
Required Website Template: July 1, 2015 23
Expenditures Tied to Unique School Sites Beginning with your FY15-16 financial data, you need to report expenditures at individual schools CDE has assigned a four digit unique school code to every school in your district: CRS 22-44-105 (e) (1) Your FY15-16 data needs to report expenditures tied to unique schools in your district Individual School Sites are buildings. You might have three schools in one building. That one building is the individual school site. We will be talking more about this requirement at future Town Halls, and in trainings
Expenditures Tied to Unique School Sites Every LEA is unique, and Colorado is a local control state which allows LEAs to determine the appropriate level of budget management and control. The expenditures you report at your unique school sites are decisions specific to you. However, there are general considerations for you to think about as you determine the correct way to report expenditures at individual schools
Implementation Guide: Considerations CDE is currently working on a Financial Transparency Implementation Guide, to be available for download on the CDE website in mid to late April. This Implementation Guide will address/cover high level considerations for LEAs as they determine expenditure reporting for their unique school sites. We will be discussing this Implementation Guide and other Financial Transparency topics at upcoming Town Halls: BOCES and Members of BOCES Charter Schools Centralized and Decentralized Costs How your FY15-16 data will be used for a Public Website View
Draft Bill: Efficiencies Currently there is a draft bill which would allow LEAs to submit their expenditures tied to their unique school sites via the Data Pipeline. Under current law, all LEAs will need to post their financial data with expenditures tied to unique school sites on the LEA website The draft bill looks to make the process of collecting expenditure data tied to unique school sites more efficient by having districts submit that via Data Pipeline
Financial Transparency Web Resources The Financial Transparency Icon, the required website templates and other Financial Transparency information is on the CDE website:
School Finance Contacts Adam Williams: 303-866-6843: Yolanda Lucero: 303-866-6847: Kirk Weber: 303-866-6610:
READ Collection Opens April 1 and closes July 15 New Staff Whitney Westgaard in the Office of Literacy will be your primary contact for the READ collection 303.866.6421 Donna Bright and Dian Prestwich will be available for support as assigned by Whitney but all first contacts should go to Whitney to ensure we are able to efficiently respond to requests. 31
READ Respondent Make sure that your district has a person assigned to the READ collection: You will need a submitter and an approver for this collection This is the group of people who have and will receive all communications for our collection through our list serve, so please make sure that you have people assigned to this role. If you would like to be added to this list serve please contact Whitney Westgaard 32
READ Collection Support Resources Recorded Webinar from March 23, 2015 Updated business rules posted on 4/1/15 Data Elements FAQ Document 33
READ Collection New Reports on COGNOS for 14-15 Report that allows a view of your entire file with grade level included Pre-populated excel file of your 4-12 cohort students 34
3rd grade Cohort For the 2014-15 school year you will be reporting only 4th and 5th grade students as part of the cohort. There are two ways to identify your cohort students: Use the New COGNOS Report – “Student extract of 4-12 graders with SRD in the Prior Year” Run this report for the current school year . Districts will be able to download an excel file preloaded with all READ fields for 4-12 except READ plan. Districts must add the value for READ Plan (0 or 1) to indicate if the cohort student remains in the cohort or is exited from the cohort based on READ plan (0 – no or 1- yes) Districts must ensure that the student interchange is updated prior to running this report 35
3rd grade Cohort For the 2014-15 school year you will be reporting only 4th and 5th grade students as part of the cohort. 2. Use the RD088 error to identify your cohort students : ENTRY_GRADE_LEVEL - A student in grades 4-12 may not be reported if prior year READ Cohort=0 in any district Load all 4th and 5th graders into your READ file format. Code the students using the following fields: READ Plan: 1 READ Status: 0 READ test – 00 READ Score – 9999 Testing date: use a valid date Retention Questions : 2’s READ Plan support fields – “0” From your Read Error Detail report identify the students for whom the error RD088 fired and remove those students from your report – they are not identified cohort students. The students left that did not have the RD088 error will be your identified cohort students 36
READ Webinar We will be hosting another READ only webinar to cover additional content and questions. Please join us on April 14, 2015 at 3:30 Conference Number(s): United States: +18668493625 To join the meeting: 37
9/15/2018 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Snapshot Collection I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
11th Grade Alternate Test Materials Test materials have all been printed and shipped. Please watch for their arrival in district and keep secure. Distribute to Test Administrators. TEST WINDOW APRIL 1-24 Training Test Administrator/DAC Narrated Powerpoint Training Posted (under 11th Grade Alternate Test Examiners) April 21st 8:00 for LEAPPROVERS Registration link: Upcoming March 10-31 – Create Final Snapshot and Roster Test Window Opens April 1-24 Score entry April 28-May 7 LEAAPPROVER Webinar – April 21 8:00 AM May 8th LEAAPPROVER submits to CDE by 5:00 PM ALL DISTRICTS SUBMIT SNAPSHOT 39
11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts 9/15/2018 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts Linda Lamirande Exceptional Student Services Unit Accommodations & Assessment Specialist 303-866-6863 Tesia Swanstrom, Program Assistant 303-866-6639 I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate. Tesia Swanstrom is my program assistant and she will be handling the test materials.
Special Education Discipline 9/15/2018 Special Education Discipline I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
Updates Incident Identifier must be unique in the “Incident” file. Next year it will be possible to duplicate the identifier in instances where two or more students were involved in the incident and attend different schools. Thank you to those districts who have already begun submitting. We are looking at opening the snapshot earlier on April 27th Steps to upload the discipline interchange files has been posted on-line For assistance please contact Kristi Gleason at 303-866-4620 or 42
2015-2016 We have added the following fields to the Interchange File Layout (look for updated file layouts this week on-line) SASID FIRST NAME LAST NAME 43
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) 9/15/2018 School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate.
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Discipline Interchange/ Discipline Snapshot School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Interchange Student Level Data ONLY Students with disabilities are included Districts submit data in pipeline under Discipline interchange Two files Periodic Collection School Level Data count of incidents count of students ALL Students disciplined counted and reported Districts submit data and finalize data within Pipeline Four files 45
Identity Management Roles Roles have been created and are available for your Local Access Manager to assign: IdM Role Enables User to: SDA~LEAAPPROVER Finalize, Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAUSER Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAVIEWER View Data 46
Pilot Piloting the system since it is new in Pipeline this year. Scheduled from April 13th to April 24th For testing purposes only Communication has been sent to all districts indicating interest so far. If you would like to be added, please email Annette Severson Email to be included
9/15/2018 SDA Collection Status File Layouts, business rules and templates available at: Trainings: dates/times are being finalized and will be shared as soon as possible Opens Monday, May 11th and will close Friday, June 26th Exceptions may be allowed, if school(s) are in session on or later than due date. Please contact me if this is needed. For assistance please contact Annette Severson at 48
Student End of Year 49
Student End of Year Snapshot is open Next Goal: SE083 – Unable to resolve until Seniors graduate or have been retained Adjustments to mobility calculations Issue with warning SP173 incorrectly triggering Issue with prior year warnings showing up on error report Next Goal: June 5th create an End of Year snapshot. Note: This is not an error free snapshot. Just create the snapshot 50
Upcoming trainings Two identical upcoming webinars April 7th 9:00 – 10:00 and April 9th 3:00 – 4:00 Phone number: 1-866-764-6750 PowerPoint posted on End of Year web page 51
Student End of Year Changes take affect next year EDAC approved 2015-2016 school year changes Create new entry and exit code 05 Separate out of country and out of state into two codes Existing Entry and exit code 14 will indciate out of state New Entry and exit code 05 will indicate out of country Change order of last name and first name in adjustment file Change order of the last name and first name fields to match order of other interchange files. Changes take affect next year 52
Student October 53
Student October – EDAC approved changes SPED Transition Year 4 Added Transition Year 4 to the Special Education Transition field Location of field Student Interchange Demographics file Then loaded to the Student October snapshot Reason for the change There are occasions when a student may fall into a “fourth year” category when their 21st birthday falls after the school year begins and they stay an additional semester. Currently, these students must be coded as Year 3 Therefore, adding Year 4 will allow for the correct reporting of these students 54
Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students (a.k.a Home School Students or Home-study Students) Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students Home-based students are those students whose parents are taking primary responsibility for the students’ education. These students are also referred to as home-study or home school students. Home-based students are not eligible for full-time funding; a home-based student may only be funded for a maximum of part-time funding. 55
Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students (a.k.a Home School Students or Home-study Students) Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-based students can fall into two separate categories: Those who are NOT receiving any educational services from the district Normally students for whom the district has received an “Intent to Homeschool” form Do NOT include them in the Student October snapshot DO include them in the summarized-by-grade Pipeline “Home School Data” screen Those who ARE receiving educational services from the district DO include in the STUOCT snapshot with the appropriate funding code 56
Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students (a.k.a Home School Students or Home-study Students) Student October – EDAC approved changes Use the appropriate funding code: 85- student is attending a non-online school/program a minimum of 90+ semester hours 86- student is attending a non-online school/program for less than 90 semester hours 94- student is attending a single-district online school/program a minimum of 90+ semester hours 95- student is attending a multi-district online school/program a minimum of 90+ semester hours 96- student is attending a district online school/program for less than 90 semester hours Home-based students are not eligible for full-time funding; a home-based student may only be funded for a maximum of part-time funding. Example: A home-based education student is enrolled in a home options program for 90+ semester hours AND 3 credit hours of concurrent enrollment. This student should still be reported with the appropriate PART-TIME funding code (NOT a FULL-TIME funding code). 57
Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students (a.k.a Home School Students or Home-study Students) Student October – EDAC approved changes New field in the Student School Association interchange: [Home Based Education] For home-based education students who ARE receiving educational services from the district, the student should be reported with a value of “1” 1 = “Yes” student IS a home-based education student For all other (non-home-based education) students, the student should be reported with a value of “0” 0 (zero) = “No” student is NOT a home-based education student This field will be added to the Student October (STUOCT) snapshot 58
Student October – EDAC approved changes Home-Based Education Students (a.k.a Home School Students or Home-study Students) Student October – EDAC approved changes Vendors will be notified of the Home-Based Education change This change will go into effect for 2015-16 Approximate date of implementation is July or August. Will update on this as we get closer These changes were added to the "Changes For Student October 2015" PPT posted on Student October website, 59
Special Education End of Year 60
2015-16 IEP Interchange EDAC approved changes for 2015-16 Parent file removed- no longer required Grade Level – field removed from Child file and relocated to Participation file ESY field- altered the definition Indicate if the IEP team determined the student eligible to receive ESY services. (Either definition acceptable in 14-15) New Path 2 Reason for Delay code added: 57 - Referral received by the Administrative Unit with less than 60 days before the child’s third birthday Path 2 - Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation C to B Path 2 - Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B Path 2 - Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation C to B 61
SPED EOY Snapshot Data is pulled from the following Interchanges: Special Education IEP Interchange Student Interchange Specific Files within the Interchanges: Special Education Child File Special Education Participation File Student (demographics) File: SASID, LASID, Student’s First Name, Student’s Middle Name, Student’s Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, All Student Contact Information fields (not required this year-may be left blank), Ethnicity, Race come from this file Student School Association File: Only grade level comes from this file 62
What’s New for 14-15? Student Parent Association File NOT required Student Address data NOT required- address fields may be left blank ESSU IEP Interchange no longer in use Upload files straight to Data Pipeline (Excel, Text, or CSV file types) Excel template posted CSV and Text templates were removed as they were applicable to the ESSU system. 63
Updates Ok to zero-fill EDID provider fields during Sped EOY. SE348: Pupil's Attendance Info Code, Primary Disability, and Date of Entry to Special Education are required and cannot be zero-filled when Funding Status is not zero-filled. If student is not attending please zero-fill Funding Status. Changed from an Error to a Warning during Sped EOY 64
Dates to Remember 14-15 snapshot available Friday May 1 Wednesday July 8 IEP Interchange errors resolved At least one 14-15 Special Education EOY Snapshot created by this date Wednesday July 15 Special Education EOY Snapshot complete (all errors resolved) Tuesday September 15 65
Sped EOY Contact Info Lindsey Heitman – collection main contact 303-866-5759 Also Cc on emails Kristi Gleason – Sped EOY backup team member 303-866-4620 Orla Bolger – Sped content specialist 303-866-6896 66
Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) 67
Schedule Interchange: Snapshot: Opened fall 2014 for the 2014- 2015 school year Will remain open throughout the year Snapshot: Opens Monday, April 13th 2015 Finalize by Friday, August 28th 2015 68
(soft) Deadlines Friday, March 13th 2015 – at least 1 TSDL file submitted Friday, March 27th 2015 – both TSDL files submitted Friday, April 10th – at least 1 TSDL file error free Friday, May 1st – both TSDL files error free Friday, May 8th – TSDL Snapshot created Friday, May 29th – TSDL Snapshot error free Approvals can be completed once snapshot is error free but no later than August 28th 2015 to accommodate any updates needed throughout the summer. 69
Directory 70
Directory 4 Day School Week School Code Changes Application is located as a separate tab in in Directory. Data is prepopulated from last year’s submission. Update as needed. School Code Changes Forms located on Data Pipeline under the Student October Snapshot. Need to provide CDE school code changes by June 30th 2015 for the 2015-2016 school year. 71
Happy Spring! Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein Next Town Hall: Thursday, April 9, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 72