Index 1) Introduction 2) Free Supply of Text Books (A.1(2)(4)(3)) 3) Improvement of School Libraries (A.1(2)(8)(9) ) 4) Free Supply of Text Books (SCSP) (A.1(2)(9)(3) ) 5) Subsidy for School Uniforms to the Students(SCSP) (A.1(2)(9)(6) ) 6) Examination Reform Branch For Quality Improvement (A.1(3)(2)(2) ) 7) Provision of Preprimary and Primary classes in existing Govt. Schools- supply and material (A.1(3)(2)(3)(2) ) 8) Lal Bahadur Shastri Scholarship to Meritorious Students (A.1(4)(3)(2)) 9) Welfare of Educationally Backward Minorities Students (A.1(4)(4)(12) ) 10) School Extension Programme (New Science Stream,EVG Services)
Implementations Of Plan Schemes Introduction Implementations Of Plan Schemes All the schemes are time bound. Any delay in these schemes will deny the students from their benefits. All the circulars should be viewed from the Planning Branch time to time and should be followed strictly . The entry of eligible students online on MIS should be made in proper time for the various welfare schemes under Plan so that no student should be denied from any kind of benefits. Disbursal of the amount to the students should be made in time. Request for additional amounts on welfare schemes under plan can be made online in time.
Free Supply of Text Books (A.1(2)(4)(3)) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION 1) In this scheme free text books are distributed to all the students from Class I-VIII received from D.B.T.B. in the month of April 2) Money distribute from Class IX-XII for text books received from Planning Branch 3) Money distribute for Geometry Box from Class VIII to XII (In only XI and XII only Mathematics Sections) Amount for Geometry Box:- Rs. 30/- to all the students of class VIII to X & Class XI and XII only Mathematics Sections. Money should be distributed to all the students from class IX to XII received from Planning Branch from April till 9th of May of session. Details of Money:- Money distributed to each student Class IX- Rs. 600/- Class X- Rs. 700/- Class XI-XII Rs. 800/-
Subsidy for School Uniforms to the Students (A.1(2)(8)(6) ) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Eligibility:- All the students. Demand List is sent online in the month of April Money received till May All the money is distributed till July Money allotted for each student 1) Class I-III:- Rs.500/- 2) Class IV-XII:- Rs. 700/-
Improvement of School Libraries (A.1(2)(8)(9) ) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION For purchase of books for school library Amount 15000/- is utilized with in one month from the date of receipt of budget.
Examination Reform Branch For Quality Improvement (A.1(3)(2)(2) ) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION For the purchase of Stationary, Answer sheets, Reports cards, Printing Question Papers, Result Register etc related to the examination for classes I to VIII. Money allotted for each student as below:- Class I to VIII:- 50/- per student
Pre Matric Scholarship for Minority Students (CSS) MH2225-C1(1)(3)(13) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION For the students of class IX and X whose family income is not more than 5 lakh. Budget is demanded online on the basis of online entry of students. Scholarship not to be given to more than two students in a family. Rs 1000 per child per annum.
Integrated Education Of Disabled (IEDSS)-CSS IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Disability certificate from government hospital is required . Online entry of disable student should be made for the budget allotment. Amount 600/- per student per annum for classes IX to XII should be disbursed.
Provision of Preprimary and Primary classes in existing Govt Provision of Preprimary and Primary classes in existing Govt. Schools- supply and material (A.1(3)(2)(3)(2) ) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Purchase of articles for Primary Classes. Amount 10000/- is utilized by the end of December
Lal Bahadur Shastri Scholarship to Meritorious Students (A.1(4)(3)(2)) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Eligibility: 1) Students who secured 80% and above marks in previous class. 2) Parents income doesn’t exceed one lakh per year Demand submitted Online distributed in July Amount Distributed: 1) Class VII & VIII- Rs.1000 per student 2) Class IX & X- Rs.1550 per student 3) Class XI & XII- Rs. 2000 per student
Welfare of Educationally Backward Minorities Students (A.1(4)(4)(12) ) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Eligibility :- All muslims & Neo-Budhist students only only whose parental Income does not exceed Rs. 2lakh Per Annum Demand list is sent online in April Money received till May Money distributed in July Additional demand if need after distributing the received amount Self declared parental income proof required Money allotted for each student as below:- Class I to XII I to V 300/- per student VI to VIII 400/- per student IX to X 500/- per student XI to XII 600/- per student
School Extension Programme (New Science Stream , EVG Services) (A IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION Purchase of instruments, furniture, chemicals for labs, Organized career Mela under the scheme of EVGS. Utilized as per the budget allocated. Amount 5000/- is utilized by the end of September
Post Matric Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC MH2225C1(1)(3)(16) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION For classes XI & XII students having certfied diploma, degree. Budget demanded online for eligible students. SC/ST:- 2300/- P.A. MIN/OBC:- 1600/- P.A.
Merit scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES Students MH2225C1. 1. 1 Merit scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES Students MH2225C1.1.1.7(SC/ST) C1.1.3.9(OBC/MIN) IMPLEMENTATION UTILIZATION For class I to XII SC/ST/Min For class VI to XII OBC SC/ST/Min I to VIII:- 1000/-P.A. OBC VI to VIII:- 600/-P.A. SC/ST/OBC/Min IX to X:- 1620/-P.A.(55% to 60%) 2040/-P.A.(60% & Above) SC/ST/OBC/MIN XI to XII:-3000/-P.A.(55% to 70%) 4500/-P.A.(Above 70%)