Biology 1: Organisation KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER (TRILOGY) KPI B13 & B14: Circulatory system and blood (p31-33) KPI B9: Hierarchy of organisation p24 RED BLOOD CELLS PLATELETS WHITE BLOOD CELLS PLASMA VALVES Prevent backflow PACEMAKER Found in wall of right atrium. Send out electrical impulses causing cardiac muscle to contract RATE OF FLOW Volume of blood / number of minutes (ml/min KPI B10: Structure of digestive system p28 SALIVARY GLANDS Produce amylase in saliva STOMACH Churns food with muscles. Produces protease (pepsin). Produces HCl – kill bacteria and optimum pH for protease. LIVER Produces BILE – neutralises acid from stomach and emulsifies fat GALL BLADDER Stores bile PANCREAS Produces protease, amylase & lipase enzymes and releases in to small intestine. SMALL INTESTINE Produces protease, amylase & lipase enzymes. Site of nutrient absorption into blood via diffusion and active transport. KPI B15: Respiratory system p30 INHALATION EXHALATION Intercostal muscles contract Intercostal muscles relax Ribs move up and out Ribs move in and down Diaphragm flattens Diaphragm domes Volume inside thorax increases Volume inside thorax decreases Pressure inside thorax decreases – AIR MOVES IN Pressure inside thorax increases – AIR FORCED OUT KPI B10: Digestive enzymes p327 ENZYME SUBSTRATE PRODUCT MADE IN AMYLASE Starch Maltose Salivary glands, pancreas, small intestine PROTEASE Proteins Amino Acids Stomach, pancreas, small intestine LIPASE Lipids Fatty acids & glycerol Pancreas, small intestine KPI B12: Food tests p29 Test Test For POSITIVE RESULT Benedict’s Test Reducing sugars Blue brick red Iodine Solution Starch Orange blue/black Biuret Test Proteins Blue pink Sudan III Lipids 2 layers – top layer red KPI B16: Transpiration & Translocation p39-41 PROCESS Explanation TRANSPIRATION STREAM One way movement of water from soil in to root hair cells (via osmosis), up the stem via XYLEM (made of dead cells and strengthened with lignin) into leaf and out via STOMATA (pores on bottom of leaf) due to evaporation. TRANSLOCATION Two way movement of dissolved sugars made in the leaves via photosynthesis to rest of plant via PHLOEM (living cells with pores in end) for immediate use (e.g. meristems) or storage