Katharina Schlamp Germany Narodni Institute pro dalsi vzdelavani | NIDV International Conference on Teaching Staff Professional Development November, 30st 2017 System of Support for the Professional Development of Beginning Teachers in Germany Katharina Schlamp Germany It is a special honor for me to speak in present of the Minister for Education and such a large number of school and education professionals. A heartfelt greeting. In the next 20 minutes I will inform you about some details of the German teacher training. These are mainly:
Agenda How to become a teacher in Germany „It depends on the teacher“: 10 teaching competences Traineeship for beginning teachers at school / Seminar Tasks of involved persons Some examples of content and tools to encourage beginning teachers
How to become a teacher in Germany 1. University: Theoretical education in the areas of applied sciences (including specialist disciplines) and educational science (4 – 5 years; 1. State examination) 2. Traineeship / preparatory service: Getting the necessary "craft" for successful teaching combined with autonomous instruction (in schools, 1,5 – 2 years; 2. State examination) 3. Further training of teachers: Further development of professional skills (trainings-institutions/schools - lifelong learning; continuous assessment f.e.: every 4 years in Bavaria)
Starting point and objectives: Developing 10 teaching competences Area of competence 1: teach Area of competence 2: educate Area of competence 3: advise Area of compet. 4: assess Area of competence 5: innovate Area of compet. 6: cooperate Area of competence 7: organise Area of competence 8: including education Area of competence 9 / 10 School law Science: „It depends on the teacher“ John Hattie, 2013 KMK-Announcement 2004 Trainings Regulation § 15 ZAL(G/S/R/….)
Division university / Seminar Area of competence: “Teaching” Teachers are experts in teaching and learning. Competence 1: Teachers plan tuition professionally and appropriately according to the subject and perform it objectively and professionally. Theoretical training phase Practical training phase ... know the relevant educational theories, understand objectives of education and bringing up as well as the standards derived from them and reflect these critically. … combine subject-specific and didactic arguments and plan and design lessons. …know general and subject-related didactics and know what has to be taken into account when planning lessons. … select contents and methods, forms of work and communication.
Traineeship / preparatory service for beginning teachers at school (Seminar) 1,5 - 2 years on different schools First year only some autonomous instruction Second year: 11 to 17 autonomous instruction Basic tasks of the preparatory service: Expansion of practical knowledge in the field of education and civic education didactics and methodology of the subjects, introduction to school practice special tasks of a teacher at the school type like Gymnasium, Realschule or Primary school
The seminar – bridging knowledge and competences Elementary school: two days a week Realschule, Gymnasium, vocational schools: 1. training phase: 2 days a week; 2nd training phase: 6 days per semester Specialisation of subject didactics and application Focus on "teaching” Classroom Management: controlling group processes Focus on "education” Organization, design and administration of the field of work Coaching and guidance for self-evaluation and development
Institutions / persons involved Training system School School administration / Princial / Teaching staff Beginning teacher (trainee) Mentoring teacher (reduction of lessons) Seminar teacher (Status like a principal / Fulltime /6 lessons per week)
Elements of the trainees (Seminar) 1.Listening to / observing lessons in their own subjects 4.Interrelated classes from the third month of the preparatory service onwards 7.Internships and exercises in appropriate subjects 2.Internships in other subjects and other schools 5.Self-responsible lessons from the sixth or seventh month of the preparatory period 8.Pedagogy, Psychology, School law and Schooling, Basic questions of civic education 3.Teaching experiments (planning and design of a teaching unit) 6.Regular meetings / lessons for imparting the content of the subject-specific training
Preliminary discussion of lessons The mentoring teacher at training school: Mentor for practical aspects: Participation in school events Continuous lessons / teaching Presentation of projects Self-responsible lessons Project work Debriefing of student assessments attendance Preliminary discussion of student assessments integration Meetings on a regular basis Sitting in on classes Classroom visit and debriefing Passing on material Preliminary discussion of lessons
Mentoring teacher / seminar teacher as coaches: We are … Accompanying processes Coach Supporter Mentor designing arrangements giving impulses not neccessarily a friend Goal: to expand the competencies of the beginning teacher so that he can successfully master professionally relevant situations. agreeing on goals professionell being authentic Part of the training system honest
Principal of the chool Supervisor Organizer Trainer Gives instruktions Ensures that the beginnung teacher is properly trained at the school Education about the basic conditions and the organization of the respective school
Objective 1: Introduction An example of the Seminar teacher‘s support: Week of competencies – first steps Objective 1: Introduction Objective 2: „First Aid – Kit“ "My learning field": Where does the be. teacher himself see learning needs? Beginnung teachers create their own portfolio as a "success book“. The first lessons: Methodical-didactic principles and tips Organization of the class and administrative work concerning pupils and the teacher From subject curriculum to trimester plan to weekly plan So that “teacher as a dream job" does not become a “nightmare": Effective classroom management / helpful tips for large and small methods
b) development of methodological competence An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Area of competence "Teaching“: Goal 1: Competences in Promotion, reflection and analysis of learning processes Trainings in a) to assess learning ability of learners and supportive function of learning b) development of methodological competence c) to train learning and work strategies d) To encourage self-control, cooperation and self-reflection of learners
Designing learning environments An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Area of competence "Teaching“: Goal 2: Designing learning environments Trainings in a) How to assess context, location and initial learning situation b) How to realize individualized instruction and individual support on the basis of individual planning of support measures c) How to realize forms of shared learning of students with and without special educational needs – to realize inclusion
Teaching with "digital media" An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Area of competence "Teaching“: Goal 3: Teaching with "digital media" Trainings in Use of the laptop / tablets in the classroom Working with the interactive whiteboard Use digital platforms Internet security
An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Learner performance evaluation Competence-oriented tasks competence-oriented performance tests and evaluation Testing learning objectives / grade lists / mock exams / evaluation key Requirement levels in mock exams (reproduction, reorganization, transfer, problem solving) Performance evaluation in the context of general and internal school standards Educational performance culture and appreciation / individual feedback CurriculumPLUS Elementary School points up educational mission of Elementary Schools Example of alternative forms of performance evaluation: portfolio Evaluation of performance on a meta-school level: VERA: comparative tests in almost all federal states Transfers to secondary schools
An example of how schools publish their performance concept on the homepage School concept for performance assessment / evaluation
An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Area of competence: "educate" Design of social interaction in lessons Social action, group processes Preventive action Analysis of educational situations Reacting in conflict and crisis situations Causes of classroom disturbances Reflection of conflict situations Classroom Management Prepared classroom Rules and rituals, clear transitions Set consequences Responding to classroom disturbances Teach / practice rules and procedures Promote community Observing student behavior overview of students' activities Preparing the lesson: High level of actual study time Accountability of the students Clarity of the lesson Role plays
An example of the content of Seminar days – Trainer: Seminar teacher: Self-management / teacher health Goal: Optimization of self-management, taking into account the aspect of teacher health Quality and efficiency of teaching and educating dealing with professional requirements coping with stressful situations Some tipps Securing attention / motivation / protecting your own voice Resting phases Time management Task organization Looking for cooperation / help Energy reserves
Feedback culture : Sitting in on classes Example for instruments of encouragement (Seminar teacher / colleagues) „UV”* with observation and feedback by seminar colleagues Feedback culture : Sitting in on classes Observation assignments for the lesson (according to need and situation different emphases: aspects of inclusion, competence orientation, education, didactics etc.) Collegial debriefing Colleagues sitting in on classes Collegial visits of the trainees of the 2nd year of the training Exchange / tips by the seminar colleagues * UV: Unterrichtsvorführung: Show lesson
Reflection of the current situation Example for instruments of encouragement (Seminar teacher ) Discussing development with beginning teachers Reflection of the current situation Goals for one's own learning development Engagement Teamwork Job satisfaction and workload Comparison of assessments beginning teacher- seminar teacher Seminar report Report of the school principal
Thank you for your attention! I wish you great success! Katharina Schlamp