Magnet electrical and hydraulic (dis)connections for coating


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Presentation transcript:

Magnet electrical and hydraulic (dis)connections for coating J. Bauche, aC coating and impedance reduction meeting, 2015-12-07

SPS main magnet powering and cooling principles Main dipole and quadrupole magnets powered and water-cooled through hollow copper bus-bars Cooling circuit valves at each half-sextant (no individual valves at each magnet) Powering Principle Cooling Principle

Cross-section of bus-bar system in the SPS tunnel

Bus-bar connection details Busbar to Magnet Connection Hollow Water Cooled Copper Bar (d: 26 mm) RETURN ~11 bars INLET ~18 bars Quadrupole QF/QD Busbars Hollow Water Cooled Copper Bar (2 x d: 40.5 mm) Dipole Busbars Hollow Water Cooled Copper Bar (2 x d: 49.5 mm)

Bus-bar brazing

Power and water disconnection / reconnection process (mains) Consignation main power circuits  TE-MSC and EN-EL Switching off demineralized circuit water pumps; closing half-sextant valves; purging half-sextant water  EN-CV Cutting bus-bar jumpers with cutting clamp  TE-MSC Re-brazing new bus-bar jumpers  TE-MSC Refilling water circuits  EN-CV Déconsignation main power circuits  TE-MSC and EN-EL (Other operations not detailed…)

SPS SSS magnet powering and cooling principles Main dipole and quadrupole magnets powered with “dry” cables” and water-cooled through flexible hoses Individual valves for each water-cooled magnet

Power and water disconnection / reconnection process (SSS) Consignation of power circuits  TE-MSC and TE-EPC Closing cooling circuit valves at magnet  TE-MSC Disconnection of electrical cable lugs and of cooling flexible hoses  TE-MSC Re-connections and opening of water valves  TE-MSC Re-commissioning of the circuit (polarity check)  TE-MSC (support from BE-OP) Déconsignation of power circuits  TE-MSC and TE-EPC (Other operations not detailed…)

Spare slides

Typical half-cell

Handling and transport of main magnets  Use of the ‘Dumont’ machines: - Trailers designed for the SPS tunnels, equipped with 2 handling manipulators, - Hydraulic system, not automated - For long distances, magnets are unloaded on standard trailers in the access galleries Installation of main dipole in the SPS Transport of dipole