Chapter Sixteen Rules of Evidence
Rules of Evidence Rules of evidence encourage fairness Help to avoid judicial delay Assist in ascertaining the truth
The Four Types of Evidence testimony of a witness exhibits facts which the attorneys have stipulated judicial notice
Testimony of a Witness Lay witness gives testimony about a subject of which the witness has personal knowledge Expert witness testifies about conclusions that may be drawn based on his or her expertise
Types of Exhibits Actual Evidence Documentary Evidence Demonstrative Evidence
Circumstantial Evidence Types of Evidence Direct Evidence Circumstantial Evidence
What is Relevancy? Relevancy is the standard by which testimony or physical evidence is evaluated; relates directly to the fact in question and proves, or has a tendency to prove, a particular legal theory
What is Impeachment? Impeachment is a tool used to attack the credibility of a witness
What is Hearsay? Hearsay evidence is an out-of-court statement offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted