How to Raise Children to Become Wise, Responsible, Godly Adults Training Your Child to Obey Dealing with Rebellion Training in Righteousness Aiming for the Heart
“Tools” for Training in Righteousness Spanking/Consequences Teaching/Instructing Rebuking/Correcting Developmental Activities Modeling by Personal Example
Developmental Activities We are in the process of looking at three types of developmental activities: Work Education Recreation
Recreation Recreation is the default mode that your kids will tend to operate in. Recreation (especially too much of it) can end up becoming the kind of “worthless pursuit” that the Proverbs warn against: Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense. (Proverbs 12:11) But not all recreation is bad. Recreation can be a fun and effective way for kids to develop skills and learn things. Encouraging and perhaps participating with your kids in the right kinds of recreation, can be a great way for you to develop your kids knowledge and abilities while everyone’s having a great time!
Recreation We will be looking at several areas of recreation: Sports Music Games Audio / Video Vacations and Day Trips
Music I believe that love and appreciation of music is something that is a part of our being made in the image of God. Music is something that is even a part of our worship of God as described in many places throughout scripture: Praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, (Psalm 150:4 NIV) Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, (Ephesians 5:19 NIV) It has been my observation that music can have a strong pull on our hearts and our emotions – pulling them in a good (or bad) direction. We can sing music, play music or listen to music.
Music Ways to help your kids with and through music: Teach your kids to appreciate a variety of good music, by exposing them to it and talking to them about it. Show kids how to think about the direction that a particular song or kind of music is pulling them towards or the influence that music might tend to have on the them or others. Consider singing to your kids – especially when they’re young. Encourage your kids to sing and sing with them. Encourage your kids to learn how to play a musical instrument. Encourage your kids to become involved in organized musical groups (band, choir, orchestra).
Discussion Questions on Music Do you believe that it’s a good idea to introduce your kids to music? Why or Why not? Do you believe that there are worldview implications to music? Can you give an example of a time or situation when music had a powerful impact on you or others?