Spring Planning Meeting Austin Chapter of: Power and Energy Society Industry Applications Society Power Electronics Society Industrial Electronics Society Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting September 24, 2016 San Marcos, TX
Leadership Team Chairman Joel Sandahl Vice Chairman (Chairman-Elect) James Mercier Treasurer Kris Dehnel Secretary Clayton Stice Program Chairman Steve Pearson Communication Chairman Steve Pearson Awards Chairman James Mercier Webmasters Kevin Ewing Notes:
Value in Association – Greater Value in Membership Mission / Goal Our Mission/Goal Become the most valued professional affiliation for engineers engaged in power, energy and industrial electronics Our Approach Engaging programs (members, industry and academia) Stimulate professional thought and action Provide knowledge you can use Be visible in our space Make membership valuable Notes: Value in Association – Greater Value in Membership
SWOT Analysis Strengths: Large Membership, Volunteers, Active Program, Distinguished Lecturers Weaknesses: Student Engagement, Industry Engagement, Securing Volunteers, Meeting Venue Opportunities: Program Enhancement, Student Engagement, Industry Engagement Threats: Declining Attendance, Member Workloads, Aging Membership Notes:
Moving Forward Focus on programs Price events to encourage membership Seek innovative new content Continue to improve quality Continue to use distinguished lecturers Add some student-oriented programs Do more promotion of programs Price events to encourage membership