ELE Editions Principal’s Platform Media Mania Staff Spotlight (478) 272-8612 August, 2016 Eddie Morris, Principal Principal’s Platform Media Mania I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how excited I am to be the Principal at East Laurens Elementary. It is a great honor to be able to be the principal of a school that I attended as a student. I have many fond memories of the teachers in this building that helped and encouraged me to be the best student possible. I want your child to have that same experience. The faculty and staff at East Laurens Elementary works hard every day to make sure that your child receives the best possible education. I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to get involved at East Laurens Elementary. Please contact our school to see how you can help us make East Laurens Elementary the best school in the county. If I can ever help you please to do hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Eddie Morris, Principal 478-272-8612 Our Third Graders are learning how to find books using the DEWEY DECIMAL System and to locate FICTION by the Authors Last Name. This is a new skill but will prepare them for a lifetime of using any Library. Our students usually have the freedom to choose books from several reading levels and to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction. What is your child reading tonight? Book Fair begins September 27, Grandparents are invited to shop during the Breakfast event. Staff Spotlight Dr. Jo-ne Bourassa joins the ELE family as the new Assistant Principal. She began her career in education teaching at West Laurens High School, then moved on to teach at HGTC, and Brewton Parker College. She worked in the Bibb County School System as the Science Coordinator and in School Improvement, Last year she was the Instructional Coach at Dublin Middle School. Rigor, Relevance, Relationships – Every Student, Every Teacher, Every Day!
ELE Editions Classroom Calls Exciting Events (478) 272-8612 August, 2016 Eddie Morris, Principal Classroom Calls Vocabulary knowledge is related to reading proficiency and comprehension. We want to promote student vocabulary development by providing ways you can help at home. Discuss the meaning of a new vocabulary word with your child. Have your child teach it to 3 people throughout the day. Record a final thought about the word at the end of the day. Math computation skills refer to what many consider the basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These skills are the foundation for success in all other areas of mathematics. The best way to practice math is making the connection to real world problem solving. Try this activity at home. Choose 1 or more items from a grocery flyer and glue it to an index card. Have your child use the math computation skill focused on in class to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. Take it a step further by rounding, graphing, or writing the number in word form. Exciting Events September 2 ELE’s Picture Day 4 Labor Day Holiday 6 Progress Reports Go Home 27 Pre- K Grandparents Breakfast 3rd Grade Grandparents Breakfast and Book fair 4th Grade Grandparents Breakfast 5th Grade Grandparents Breakfast October 6 Report Cards Go Home 7 Teacher In-Service 10 Columbus Day Holiday 18 Dental Van at ELE Rigor, Relevance, Relationships – Every Student, Every Teacher, Every Day!