The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector


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Presentation transcript:

The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector Allahgholi1, J. Becker1,7, A. Delfs1, R. Dinapoli2, P. Göttlicher1, H. Graafsma1,5, D. Greiffenberg2, H. Hirsemann1, S. Jack1, A. Klyuev1, H. Krueger4, M. Kuhn1, S. Lange1, T. Laurus1, A. Marras1, D. Mezza2, A. Mozzanica2, J. Poehlsen1, S. Rah6, B. Schmitt2, J. Schwandt3, I. Sheviakov1, X. Shi2, U. Trunk1 , Q. Xia1, J. Zhang1, M. Zimmer1 1 – Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, 2 – Paul Scherrer Institute, 3 – Universität Hamburg, 4 – Universität Bonn, 5 – Mid Sweden University, 6 – Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, 7 – now at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Challenges of new synchrotron and FEL sources AGIPD in a nutshell With the increased brilliance of state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation sources and the advent of Free Electron Lasers (FELs), enabling revolutionary science with X-ray photons comes an urgent need for suitable photon imaging detectors. Requirements include high frame rates, very large dynamic range, single-photon counting capability with low probability of false positives, and (multi)-megapixels. Here we present AGIPD, a state-of-the-art detector system tackling the challenges of modern Free Electron Laser sources and their user´s needs: Single photon sensitivity High dynamic range High frame rates AGIPD Operating principle Charge integrating Energy range 3 keV-18 keV Frame rate > 4.5 MHz (burst) Memory depth 352 frames Pixel size (200 µm)² Pixel technology Hybrid Pixel Technology Total detector size Variable (modular) Module size 2.5  10.5 cm², 128  512 pixels Dynamic range 1 to 104 photons/pixel/frame at 12.4 keV Dynamic gain switching Yes (3 gains) Veto/Trigger Yes (overwriting of frame RAM) Single Photon sensitivity Yes (in high gain) from TDR Eu-XFEL [1] AGIPD First User Experiments @ European XFEL The experiment: Powder diffraction from LiTi (left) Liquid jet with crystals (right) Automatic indexing (centre) Frame rate 4.5 MHz 30 pulses @ 1.1MHz/train E=8keV Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector XFEL time structure Designed for use at the European XFEL, AGIPD comes along with three key features: Single photon sensitivity Dynamic range of up to 104 photons/pixel/frame. 4.5 MHz repetition rate (for 352 images) Store Read-out Store Read-out Store 352 Images The AGIPD 1.1 ASIC AGIPD 1.0 Pixel (4096) Readout chain CDS stage Preamplifier stage Cf, high Cf, mid Cf, low Preamp RST Ccouple CDS RST Cf, CDS Vref Dynamic gain switching DAC Storage cell matrix Pixel buffer PXB RST Cf, PXB Double column buffer (64) even row odd row Mux Offchip drver (4) Cmd based IF, periphery, DACs The AGIPD 1Mpix system at the SPB/SFX and MID instruments The 200µm pixel size of AGIPD is a compromise between small pixels for high spatial resolution and storing as many images as possible. AGIPD 1M will be operated in vacuum 16 modules are mounted on four independently movable quadrants Each module has 28 ASICs bump bonded to one Si sensor Operating temperature -20°C SPB system shipped to EuXFEL 21.12.2016 200µm AGIPD ASIC: Pixel layout (left) and block diagram showing the analogue readout chain [2,3] (top) Preamplifier with adaptive gain by insertion of additional feedback capacitors to lower sensitivity and increase dynamic range once a defined threshold is crossed Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) stage to remove reset noise and reduce low frequency noise Analogue memory, which can store 352 images Read out of stored signals are through the pixel buffer, column buffer and off-chip driver in between the bunch trains (≈25 ns out of 99 ns) 200µm 200 µm  200 µm pixels 352 storage cells + veto possibilities. 4.5 MHz frame rate Dynamic range: from ≈265e- to 344  106 e- Dynamic range and noise performance Current developments Gain linear within 1%. Noise below Poisson Limit for each gain stage. Signal to noise ratio of 12σ for one 12.4 keV photon in the high gain Interface electronics redesign ecAGIPD Electron collecting AGIPD Simulations successfully finished Prototype in production - delivery March 0.5…1 % Shot-to-shot fluctuation Beamline tests at PETRA III High-Z sensor Cooperation with University of Tomsk GaAs sensor prototype in hands Waiting for ecAGIPD prototypes Digitisation in vacuum Onboard DC/DC Onboard HV generation Control and DAQ completely based on optical data transmission Powerful cooling system necessary 7.05 keV photons Future systems Image of a colloidal sample, left single image, right time average. The absence of photons is encoded as black colour on the logarithmic scale. Each image contains pixels in all three gain stages simultaneously. Note that no beam stop was used and besides the scattering pattern the direct Synchrotron beam was recorded. 4MPix AGIPD for SFX Si sensors 56 sensor modules – divided into two halfs 400 mm travel range along the beam Delivery December 2018 1MPix AGIPD for HiBEF High-Z sensors 16 sensor modules – one monolithic block Delivery with Si sensors in November 2018 Upgrade to High-Z in summer 2019 Histogram of the data from a single pixel. The average intensity is 0.3 photons per 200 ns, corresponding to a count rate of 1.5 Mcps/pixel or 37.5 Mcps/mm2. The RMS noise of this pixel is 320 electrons at 5.2 MHz [4]. Acknowledgments References [1] M. Altarelli et al., doi:10.1080/08940880601064968. [2] X. Shi et al., Challenges in chip design for the AGIPD detector, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.05.038 [3] U. Trunk et al., AGIPD - The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector for the European XFEL. Development and Status, doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2011.6154392. [4] J. Becker et al., Performance tests of an AGIPD 0.4 assembly at the beamline P10 of PETRA III, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/8/06/P06007 [5] A. Allahgholi et al., The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector AGIPD, J. Instrum. (2015) IWoRiD conference proceedings F. Westermeier and M. Sprung for experiments and operations at PETRA P10. I. Vartanians, U. Lorenz, A. Singer, K. Schlage and H.-C. Wille for experiments and operations at PETRA P01. R. Bradford, D. M. Kline and S. Stoupin for experiments and operations at APS BM1 A. Burkhardt, P. Heuser, J. Kallio, V. Lamzin, V. Mariani, A. Meents, P. Fischer, and M. Kuhn for experiments and operations at PETRA P11