To get to the moodle site the first thing you want to do is to go to the Great falls Public Schools Web site. Once you arrive here, you will want to click on students and then click on Moodle. How do I get to Moodle?
This is where you will type in your username (your id#) and your password. Any time you see this window pop up always click Dont offer to remember any more passwords and say No. You NEVER want a computer to remember your password.
Your screen will look slightly different from mine. You will know you are in your Moodle because you will see that YOU are logged in Now you will want to go to My courses It will list all of the Moodle coursed that you have enrolled in. Back to Home Page
How do I get to my Z: drive from Home? To get to your z: drive you will need to Log into Moodle.Moodle Now that you are here Just click on your name.
This will take you to your profile page. From here you can: view your profile access your z: drive through My private files change your profile
Now you will be able to get to your files that you have saved on your Z: drive. Things to remember You can not work from your z: drive. You must open the document and save it on your desk top on your home computer. When saving that document you must do a New File (upload) Back to Home Page