Introduction to Marine Data Management II Data Management Project: Southestern Patagonia Ana Luiza Gandara Martins Professor: Dr. Murray Brown December, 2013
Creating a Project Map in Saga: Global shapefile of country boundaries: World Borders Dataset Software: SAGA Map Source:
Creating Graticules and Frames in Saga: Patagonia coordinates: Up: -50 Down: -60 Right: -60 Left: -70
Creating Dummy Grid Templates in Saga 1 degree0.5 degree 0.1 degree 0.05 degree 0.01 degree
Adding GEBCO Depth Contours to a Project Map in Saga GEBCO Topography & Bathymetry GEBCO Bathymetry Contours Saga Software: GEBCOlite
Adding GEBCO Depth Contours to a Project Map in Saga Saga GEBCO Coastline GEBCO Bathymetry
Adding a Sediment Thickness Grid to a Project Map in Saga Total Sediment Thickness of the World's Oceans & Marginal Seas Map Source: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)
Adding Administrative Boundaries and Coastline to a Project Map in Saga Map source: GADM database of Global Administrative Areas
Adding Marine Regions to a Project Map in Saga Map source:
Cutting a Shape to the Project Map Extent in Saga Data source: NOAA - World Ocean Atlas Select (WOAselect)
Obtaining Area-Specific Marine Data and metadata from the World Ocean Database Data source: NOAA - World Ocean Database Select (WOD13):
Obtaining Synthetic Ocean Station Data from the World Ocean Atlas Data source: Ocean Data View/ World Ocean Atlas
Creating Marine Data Station Plots in ODV Software: Ocean Data View (ODV)
Creating Marine Data Scatter Plots in ODV
Creating Marine Data Section Plots in ODV
Exporting Marine Data from ODV: Data Subsets Exporting Marine Data Plot Images from ODV
Converting a Data Table to a Points Shape in Saga 0 meter 400 meters Summer (jan, feb, mar)Winter (jul, aug, sep) Software: SAGA
Gridding Points Shapes in Saga 0 meter 400 meters Summer (jan, feb, mar)Winter (jul, aug, sep)
Cholorophyl SST Summer (jan, feb, mar)Winter (jul, aug, sep) Importing Satellite Chlorophyll and SST Climatologies into Marine GIS: Color Web Data source: Ocean Color Web: Software:
GEBCO 08 Global Relief Grid: Local Processing of Products Data source: General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Digital Atlas Software: SAGA
Estimating Topographic Contours in Saga from SRTM Data Map source: Diva website -
Plotting Vector Arrows from U and V Component Grids with Saga Data source: National Virtual Ocean Data System (NVODS) - Software: SAGA
Plotting Vector Arrows from the Global Drifter Program 0.5-Degree Climatology Data source: The Global Drifter Program - Software:
Managing Operational Data in IDV: Visualizing Satellite-Measured Surface Temperature Fields in IDV: GHRSST Data source: Group for high resolution sea surface temperature- Software: IDVhttps:// NCDC-lower resolution REMSS-higher resolution
Visualizing Ocean Model Vectors in IDV: HYCOM THREDDS Waterflow forecast SST & flow vectors forecast Data source: Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) - Software:
Visualizing Satellite-Measured Optical Properties and Pigments in IDV: GlobColour Data source: GlobColour Project European Node for Global Ocean Colour-