Denis Ahairwe; +256752482909 The role of Social Marketing in Increasing Access to, and Utilisation of Family Planning Services among Young People in Uganda. A case of USAID/Uganda Social Marketing Activity Uganda Social Marketing Conference Denis Ahairwe; +256752482909
Project Objectives To increase access to quality and affordable health products and services To increase the demand of socially marketed health products and services 3. To strengthen health systems for sustained and equitable access to health products and services. U G A N D A H E A L T H M A R K E T I N G G R O U P
BACKGROUND 78% of Ugandans are below 35 years of age, while 50% are below 15 years Average Age: 14 years old Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate among Sexually active Unmarried women is 47% Reach an estimated 100 million by 2050,
Behaviour determinants Barriers to uptake Myths & misconceptions Shortage of supplies Insufficient knowledge on where to access services Health worker attitude Reach an estimated 100 million by 2050,
Approach A series of activities have been conducted to enhance development of a segmented and sustainable family planning market through a Total Market Approach (TMA), a platform which drives project implementation.
Distribution Model - Place
Place 273 Good Life clinics 434 Good Life promoters Youth led activities in 50 GLCs 120 Work place activations Targeted Outreaches 1511 drug shops 100 Pharmacies 5400 Other non-traditional outlets
Price Subsidised products Subsidised Services (vouchers, clinic supplies) Outreaches to minimise cost Youth microentrepreneurs driven by commission mark-ups Market segmentation to increase access
Promotion To address myths and misconceptions Provide culturally relevant information Youth involvement at Parish level Appropriate IEC materials provided
Theatre Conducted more than 250 coordinated events at the community-level to improve behavior Product demos Myth bursting interactive drama Music, entertainment promotion
SMS. Facebook. Twitter. Youtube Mobile Phones SMA has reached over 3,279,408 young people with messages 2,574,074 Reached through Facebook 705,334 reached through Twitter via campaign hashtags like #HIVPreventionUG, #IWasWrong, #Lovelifeplaysafe, 1,540,000 have used the service locator to find service providers SMS. Facebook. Twitter. Youtube
Brand Promotion Increase brand awareness, visibility, and product positioning across correct target Market segments
Results and Learning Campaign has reached 10.6 million general population Reached over 3,279,408 young people with messages 2,574,074 Young people Reached through Facebook 705,334 reached through Twitter via campaign hashtags like #HIVPreventionUG, #IWasWrong, #Lovelifeplaysafe, Enabled 59,128 youths to access family planning services Thus, contributing to 9,408 couple years of protection; Averting 3,071 unintended pregnancies.