Dragos Ion –Inwatech Kft. Budapest Bucharest – May 2017 BIOGAS IN HUNGARY Dragos Ion –Inwatech Kft. Budapest
Biogas production in Hungary Hungary’s total biomass resource is estimated to be 350 - 360 million tonnes From this amount 105-110 million tonnes is primary biomass (deriving from vegetation) which is annually regenerated. In the present only 3% of this is utilised by the energy sector The renewable energy sources represent 4.9% (54.8 PJ) of Hungary’s primary energy consumption It is estimated that 65% of the renewable energy sources is used for heat generation, 33% for electric power production and the rest for the production for biofuels.
Biogas production in Hungary The political target in the Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP) by 2020 is to increase the energy production from renewable resources to 13% (186,4 PJ) It is expected that by 2020 the potential biogas production to reach 34MW, which will be equal to 5% of the total renewable energy sources in the country Hungary potential for biogas is 9 billion m3 biogas from agricultural resources, animal by-products, sewage sludge and municipal organic waste
Biogas production in Hungary
Biogas production in Hungary
Biogas production in Hungary Main types of raw material used for biogas production in Hungary Pig manure Animal/slaughterhouse by products Cow manure Food leftovers Municipal waste water sludge
Biogas production in Hungary-Financial Depending on the input sources and the bio fertilizer utilisation possibilities in average the biogas plant cost can be 1,1–1,2 billion Ft/MW The average investment costs for a biogas plant per 1kW may be from1.2- 1.3 million Ft. The average electricity cost is 26 Ft/kWh, which istaken in the grid at a price of 30 Ft/kWh in the frame of the Mandatory Take-off Scheme (kötelezőátvételi tarifa rendszer, KÁT)
Biogas production in Hungary Main Biogas Plants
Biogas production in Hungary Case Study 1-Szeged Biogas plant (6728 Szeged, Külterület 2.) Company name Zöldforrás Energia Kft. Investment cost 1 275 000 000 Ft Starting year of operation 2012 Type of raw materiels used pig slurry and maise silage Number of digesters 2 Volume of digesters 2700 m3 net Biogas engine capacity 2x600 kW
Biogas production in Hungary Case Study 2- Bonyhád Biogas plant (7150 Bonyhád, Külterület 0539/4) Company name Pannónia Állattenyésztő Kft. Investment cost 1 021 000 000 Ft Starting year of operation 2010 Type of raw materiels used cow slurry and cow manure, maise silage Number of digesters 2 Volume of digesters 4500 m3 net Biogas engine capacity 2x625 kW
Thank you! Inwatech Kft Budapesta Dragos Ion –Biogas Expert E-mail: ion@inwatech.com