Keeping Music Education in Schools Kaylee Porembka Seminar in Thinking and Writing
Are you aware of how important music is to students?
Music is a necessity for several reasons: Allows students to succeed in other core classes. Results in higher standardized test scores Increases self-esteem and social skills
Music and the Brain Musician’s have a thicker corpus callosum which connects both sides of the brain. Students who take piano lessons for over 8 months have a 46% increase in spatial reasoning IQ.
Music Makes Students Smarter Students who have taken music classes or lessons throughout school have scored 53 points higher on the verbal portion of the SAT, and about 39 points higher on the math portion Most also receive more academic honors than students not involved in the music programs.
Music and Math Ancient Greeks and Pythagoras thought music and mathematics were connected in some way. Math and music occupy the same side of the brain. Students in music receive better grades in math due to learning new rhythms.
“The Mozart Effect” It is said that students who listen to Mozart before a big test usually score higher than those who do not.
Music and the Increase of Social Skills Music can help students express themselves in different ways. It can also raise their self-esteem by performing in concerts and becoming comfortable enough with their individual instruments.
No Child Left Behind Act Wants to eliminate music from the school’s curriculum. School’s have shown poor benchmark test scores putting them in jeopardy of losing government funding. One more chance is given to improve test scores before losing funding.
No Child Left Behind Act Cont’d. Therefore, schools show more interest in core subjects and add additional testing for students. Students will eventually get tired of all the testing. Also become uninterested in the subjects all together. Schools should be helping students decide what career they want to pursue after graduation.
Become a Music Advocate Build alliances with parents, the community, or even business owners to help get the message across. Show up at a schools board meeting and state your case to the administrators. Start a petition or write a letter to the government showing your concern for music education!
Music Education is a Necessity Help keep music alive today!