Fast Writes: The In-Class Essay


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Presentation transcript:

Fast Writes: The In-Class Essay

What is the unit? In this unit, students will learn how to write focused, well-organized TIMED ESSAYS that support a significant thesis statement with specific evidence and discussion based on a writing prompt or essay exam question. -S01 : QSI Curriculum

TSWs for the Unit The Student Will write continually for a timed period of writing TSW deconstruct the writing prompt. TSW compose a thesis statement. TSW organize ideas in a clear, meaningful structure. TSW support ideas/claims with specific evidence. TSW select appropriate, formal vocabulary. TSW apply basic grammatical conventions. TSW write a complete essay during a specified (usually 45 minute) writing period

Why Use In-class Essays??? A Timed Essay shows that you can: articulate an answer to a question without outside help show your understanding of a topic organize your ideas in a clear, concise, well- organized response shows depth of thought and ability to analyze Timed essays will always have some level of stress to them, but using a few simple tips and tricks you will be able to feel more confident in using this skill!

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays BUDGET YOUR TIME : Make sure that you leave enough time to plan, write and revise within the allotted time given. For a 45 minute essay: 10 minutes to plan 25 minutes to write 10 minutes to re-read and revise

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays 2. READ THE QUESTION!! TWICE! Many students do not perform well during timed essays mainly because they do not answer the question they are given. If need be, look up any words that you do not understand and make a note of the meaning. Be careful that you use a meaning that makes sense contextually with the rest of the question

Example If you are asked to name three ways in which the body uses water throughout a given day, then to say, “The body uses water in many ways throughout a day, and that’s why we should drink 6-8 glasses daily,” states a fact, but it does not answer the question. Saying something related to the answer and saying the answer are two different things! Related: stick to the topic (in this case, water) but you devise your own question (in this case, why we should drink water, not how the body uses water).

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays ANNOTATE the question: Circle or underline the important words in the question and then rewrite the question so that you understand it even better Example: In life there are leaders and followers. Write about someone you know personally among your peers who is a leader, perhaps someone you grew up with, identifying the qualities and narrating incidents which illustrate the leadership qualities.

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays BRAINSTORM Now that you understand the question, take a minute to brainstorm ideas. You can do this in a list or a word web Choose three reasons (unless told otherwise) to prove your answer to the question; circle them and take another minute to brainstorm the support you would use to prove each Take the time to PLAN! This will help later!

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays Develop your THESIS Now that you have your plan, use it to write out your thesis. Remember, a Thesis: states your claim (your position) on the topic is arguable is clear and concise (one-two sentences max!) is a preview of the organization for rest of the essay (order of arguments) Use the words in the question within your thesis!

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays WRITE!! You have your plan, so just start to write! Introductions should be short and sweet. Introduce your topic and give your thesis. Topic sentences at the start of each body paragraph should introduce the specific argument you will be proving and should ALWAYS link back to your thesis. Conclusion needs to restate the thesis.

When you are WRITING… DON’T worry about erasing or using white-out, as this wastes time! Just cross out words/sentences with a single line and move on. DO double-space!! Not only will this make it easier to read afterwards but will also make you feel that you can (and should!) revise DON’T get off track! Keep checking back to your plan and always refer back to your thesis. Remember, you need to ANSWER THE QUESTION! DO pay attention to the time and stick to the timetable that you have laid out. ALWAYS leave time to re-read and revise!

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays RE-READ! Re-read your body paragraphs: Did you stay specific to a single argument in each paragraph? Did you SUPPORT that specific argument? Did you connect everything to your thesis clearly? Re-read your thesis in BOTH your introduction and conclusion: Does it include words from the question? Does it ANSWER the question? Are the arguments laid out in the order you wrote them in the body?

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays REVISE! Make any changes that you need to do in order to make sure that your essay is CLEAR, CONCISE, SUPPORTED, and ANSWERS THE QUESTION. Again, just cross out un-needed information and re-write above. If there is not enough room and you have to write it off to the side, make that clear and easy to understand!

Tips and Tricks for Timed Essays SUBMIT! Make sure you have a TITLE Your NAME is clear in the top left corner Staple your pages in the CORRECT ORDER in the top left-hand corner

Thing to Keep in Mind… If your question refers to a specific novel, movie, poem, assume that the reader has read it; DO NOT SUMMARIZE. Use examples to support but don’t retell the story. Underline or Italicize titles of books, poems, movies Avoid any shorthand (@, w/o, sth); stay formal Do not be too general! Stay specific and take control of your arguments. Be confident in what you are proving! Indent the start of ALL paragraphs

The Dreaded Writer’s Block!! The next biggest problem students have with timed essays is overcoming writer’s block. If you are having trouble with the introduction, MOVE ON! Don’t just stare at a blank page! Leave space at the top of the page for your introduction and start on your first body paragraph, then go back afterwards! TRUST YOURSELF! Once you have taken the time to plan, just write! Keep to the plan and revise afterwards. Don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t stress about making it perfect the first time.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Taking TIMED ESSAYS and FAST WRITES is a skill! The more you do it, the easier it will become!

Tips on answering questions come from: Gardner, John and A. Jerome Jewler. Your College Experience: Strategies for Success. 2nd ed. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995.