Usecase 1 – Upgrade Image Vendor has a new Image for the VNF requiring Image upgrade for all the existing VNF Instances Vendor works with the VNF Owner to define the workflow for upgrading the VNF Image New VNF version includes the updated image and the workflow to upgrade the image from the previous VNF version to the current VNF version Service is updated with the new VNF version and distributed MSO deploys the workflow On MSO receiving the VNF Upgrade request from VID/CCD/OMX. MSO executes the workflow previously deployed to Upgrade VNF
Usecase 1 – Upgrade Image contn.. Stop traffic is a API call to controller so controller can actually take the necessary steps to stop traffic Drain traffic is an API call to controller to allow for controller to confirm completion of all the in- progress activity in the VNF Create VNF is an API call to Openstack to instantiate the VNF All the steps are API calls from MSO to various systems with inter-dependencies
Who? - Users Tooling is for the Designer(Workflow Designer)
High Level Solution Activity Definition/Specification abstracts implementation details of the Activity from the Designer Note: Activity is an extension or capability of SO, for example SO’s ability to invoke a Component API (Controller, A&AI, etc..). New Activities are developed as part of a specific ONAP release. Activities are normally automated and in some cases manual Activity Implementation can be based on BPMN, Java or any other scripting API calls to other ECOMP components like controllers, SNIRO, Micro-Services, etc. Re-usable building blocks/BPMN processes in MSO Manual Task Workflows shall be made of Activities with inter-dependencies between them Enhance VNF and/or Service Model to include Operations and optionally Workflows implementing the Operations Instantiation Workflow – Instantiate a VNF, which includes assignments, creation and configuration. i.e., what ever is required to for VNF to be deployed and serve/provide it’s functionality Disconnect Workflows Upgrade Workflow – Upgrade VNF from a particular version to later version of the Service or VNF Model More..
SDC Component Diagram
1. Manage Activity Specification & 2. Search/Get Activity Spec Id Name Description or Purpose Category - Categorization to help better experience to the Designer while building the work-flow Input/Output Fields – Inputs/Outputs of the Activity needed to be specified by the Designer in context of workflow Operations: Create Activity Spec Update Activity Spec Version Submit Activity Spec Version Create Activity Spec Version Deprecate & Delete Activity Spec Search & Get Activity Spec
3. Manage Workflow Workflow Operations: Create Workflow Edit Workflow Id Description or Purpose Input/Output Fields – Inputs/Outputs of the Workflow needed to be specified by the Designer in context of VNF or Service Operation Operations: Create Workflow Edit Workflow Save Workflow
4. Persist Workflow Catalog to provide persistence API for workflow as an object. Catalog doesn’t need to know the contents of the object. Operations Create Workflow Save Workflow Delete Workflow
5. Generate BPMN Workflow Artifact Ability to generate a BPMN workflow Artifacts Operations Generate Workflow Artifact
Work Items Workflow Designer for designing Workflow for MSO for purpose of VNF Change Management and Service Fulfillment Workflow Editor - ZTE UI to list Activities – ZTE UI to enable User/Designer to specify Activity details(inputs & outputs) in context of a Workflow. Not required in ECOMP for 1806. – ZTE Generation of standard BPMN artifact – ZTE Provide a generic Integration(pluggable) Framework in ONAP SDC for various applications/functions like workflow – AT&T Workflow Designer to integrate with the generic pluggable Framework provided by SDC - ZTE Registration of Activity Specifications to SDC. i.e., upload Activity Specifications to SDC – Amdocs UI to manage workflows associated to various VNF and/or Service Operations and Inputs - Amdocs Include VNF and/or Service Operations and Inputs in TOSCA - Amdocs Include workflow artifact reference in Service and/or VNF TOSCA Model – Amdocs