Presented by: The Kindergarten Team Kindergarten Today Presented by: The Kindergarten Team
The Kindergarten Team Nicole Callaghan Michelle Ray Mary Smith Dawn Waller
What kindergarten used to looked like…
What kindergarten looks like now…
What your child should know before entering kindergarten… How to write their name How to tie shoes How to button, snap and buckle How to open snacks, drinks, etc. How to use the restroom on their own How to sit for an extended period of time How to hold and use scissors Recognize some letters and numbers Recognize some shapes and colors Be able to work independently
What kindergarten used to look like…
What we do now… Routines: Independent Literacy Centers on level Whole group “Circle Time” Small group math centers Independent reading Computer lab Writer’s Workshop Small group time with teacher Library Counseling
Other information! Lunch is everyday from 10:30-11:00. The cost is $1.75 for a paid student. Snack is in the afternoon- Send a nutritious snack! Put all money in a labeled Ziploc bag! Friday is spirit day- wear red! Join PTA- Cost is $7.00! Change in transportation- Send in a note!
Folders, Folders, Folders! Red Take Home folder: Red Folders are sent home daily and need to be returned the next school day. The Red folder will have the weekly newsletter placed in it each Monday. The newsletter will inform you of important dates and a summary of what we will cover for the week in each subject. Your child’s conduct sheet for the entire month needs to stay on the left side. The conduct sheet must be initialed daily so that you can see how the day went for your child. If there is a letter other than S or an N or U for the day then the teacher will code that box with a number from the bottom of the sheet. Each number tells specifically what occurred that day.
Folders, continued… Homework Folders: Homework packets will be placed in the folder for each month. The first day was August 30. Please work with your child each night to complete that day’s assignment. Then return the folder daily too. Homework assignments are for Monday – Thursday only. Fluency Folders: The fluency folder will have a new set of directions and assignments for each day Monday – Thursday. Please work with your child to complete that day’s assignment. The fluency folder will greatly help your child become a reader and practice will help him/her become an independent reader. The assignments are aligned with the objectives and pacing guide for the State of Alabama and Mobile County. You are to initial each day that your child completes an assignment.
What learning used to look like in kindergarten…
Now learning looks like now… Small groups! Math and reading centers! Manipulatives! Read alouds! Exploration! Hands on math and science! Sight word success teams! Accelerated Reader! (AR) Computer time for interactive websites! Smart boards, LCD Projectors, Laptops- Technology! Working independently!
Kindergarten Success Teams… Before children learn to read, they must love to be read to. Our kindergarten team has put many programs in place to encourage your children to develop crucial reading skills. Children are encouraged to complete our Success Teams in order to increase their sight word recognition. As your children increase the number of sight words that they can recognize quickly, their reading will develop and comprehension will increase. Your child’s teacher has established a reward system for completing these levels. For instance, certificates may be given, and/or students may choose from the class’ treasure chest.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Classes will begin taking Accelerated Reader (AR) tests in September. Teachers will read a book to the class and have the students vote on their favorite answers. AR will look like this throughout the year. When your child has reached a level of independent reading, the teacher will have your child tested for AR on an individual level. Once this has been established, then your child will get a book from the library on their independent level, read, and test! Accelerated Reader provides reading practice. Just remember when your children were beginning to walk or ride a bike, you encouraged them to take as many steps as they could or pedal as hard as they could. That is just what AR does! It is a computerized testing tool to monitor your child’s reading comprehension.
Things your child will learn with our help (teacher and parent)… Your child will leave kindergarten knowing how to: Read on an independent level Write sentences Add and subtract 1 digit numbers Comprehend and retell stories Complete work independently Observe and describe the world around them
What you can do to help! Read with your child every evening. Talk what about you read. Ask specific questions such as who was the main character, where did the story take place, what do you think might happen next. Make flashcards with each of the sight words and numbers. Make simple sentences with sight words. Assist your child with taking a quiz on the book at Interactive websites! Homework and fluency folders nightly Review class work and correct any errors Have meaningful conversations!
Any questions??? Thank you for joining us tonight! We look forward to your help and participation throughout the year!