Highland City Library Disaster and Emergency Plan Kellie Johnson 11/09/12
Quick Planner Quick contact guide
INSTITUTIONAL CONTACTS BUILDING UTILTIES Facilities / Building Manager Director: Water – Fire Sprinklers Name (Structural) Kent Slade Office: 801-***-**** ext. 1004 Cell: 801-***-**** Email: Water (Potable) – Drinking/Bathrooms Texting: After Hours Public Works Assistant Librarian: Michelle DeKorver Plumber Home: 801-***-**** First Contact Name(Exterior Doors) Office: 801-***-**** ext. 4505 Second Contact EMERGENCY REPSONDERS Information Technology Officer / IT Electricity / Power Company Emergency Medical / Ambulance Name Name of Power Company 1-877-***-**** 9-911 801-***-**** Gas Name of Gas Company Police Department / Law Enforcement 1-800-***-**** Telephone Name of Phone Company
City & library building Know the building
Picture depicting layout of building with emergency exits and fire extinguishers has been removed
Emergency Evacuation Various Threats
Leave the building without delay in by the nearest safe exit. If the alarm stops sounding continue evacuation and warn others who may attempt to enter the building. Secure your area and take personal items with you only if that can be done quickly. Instruct all patrons, visitors, and other members of staff to leave as well. Do not force those who do not want to leave. Assist disabled persons in leaving the building. Meet at the designated emergency meeting area. Notify police or fire personnel of the location of persons remaining in the building.
Emergency meeting area Headcount
In Case of . . . Fire or Flood
Water Leak (Weather): Remove items from the area that may be damaged. Place a trash can below any dripping leaks. Contact Wade Lehmberg during city office hours. After hours contact Public Works and Kent or Michelle. Flooding (Plumbing): Block access to the flooded area and call an Industrial Plumber. Call Power Company if there is an apparent danger of electrical shock. After hours call Kent or Michelle.
Don’t Panic Know what to do
Criminal Acts Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the suspect. Get good description of the suspect. Use the Panic Button (it is removable). When safe call (9)911 and advise them of the situation.
Bomb Threats Stay Calm and keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. Do not hang up the phone. Get as much information from the caller as possible and write it down. Follow evacuation procedures if the threat is to the building and proceed to Emergency Evacuation Area. DO NOT use the Panic Button, cell phones, or walkie-talkies as they may detonate a bomb.
Earthquakes ShakeOut 2013
Earthquake What to Do: 1. DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!). 2. Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table. 3. HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops. Earthquake What Not to Do: 1. Do not run outside or to other rooms. 2. Do not stand in doorways.
Medical Emergencies Keeping Calm
Minor Emergencies Locate First Aid Kit. Stay calm. Do not put yourself at risk. Help with minor emergencies only with the consent of the victim. When a child is injured, offer first aid supplies to the parent for their use.
Major Emergencies Call (9) 911 Do not move or lift unless directed. Do not offer food or drink unless directed. Offer to notify family or friends of victim if he/she is taken to a hospital. An accident report is to be filled out for every patron injury. Never admit liability for the incident.