What is Plagiarism?
According to Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary (http://www To Plagiarize is… To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source To commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source Examples of plagiarism: Taking credit for someone else’s written paper. This includes reports, term papers, and essays downloaded from the Internet. Using sections or paragraphs from another person’s work without including quotation marks. This includes copy/pasting parts of online articles or web pages into one’s work. Paraphrasing (rewording) another’s words or ideas without giving credit to the original author. Attempting to pass off another’s idea as one’s own, or stealing someone’s intellectual property. Using one’s own previously created content again for another assignment. This is known as “recycling” old material. Failing to use quotation marks, italics, or to correctly cite a source.
When Do I Need to Include a Citation? In a research paper, speech, or PowerPoint presentation, you should cite your source if you… quote exact words or paraphrase …from another person’s work.
Why Do I Need a Citation? to give credit to the author or creator to enable a reader or viewer to locate the source you cited Provide full citations to all types of sources you use, including: books government documents articles non-print media (DVDs, videos) Internet sites images interviews data sources images from Microsoft Office
What is Included in a Citation?
Where Do I Get Details on How to Cite Things? Style Manuals: APA – from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association MLA – from The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers Turabian (Chicago) – from A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations There is also Scientific style and format : the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers / Style Manual Committee, Council of Science Editors Publisher Reston, VA : Council of Science Editors in cooperation with the Rockefeller University Press, 2006 located in East Lib-Reference T11 .S386 2006 You can use JMU’s Check Cite on the Web to help you write your citations. Images from LEO and http://www.Amazon.com
How Do I Know Which Style To Use? Your professor will let you know which style to use. Be consistent and stick with one style for all types of sources in a project In general, APA - is often preferred for the social sciences MLA – is often preferred for the humanities, including English and other language studies, art, and philosophy Turabian (Chicago) - includes two styles: the notes- bibliography style for humanities, and the reference list style for social sciences, natural and physical sciences.
What is the Penalty For Plagiarism at JMU? The JMU Honor Code states that, “students shall observe complete honesty in all academic matters.” Plagiarism is an honor offense. 15. Committing the act of plagiarism - the copying, writing or presenting as one's own the information, ideas or phrasing of another person without proper acknowledgment of the true source. Penalties for an honor offense include a reduced or failing grade in the course, suspension or expulsion from the University. Students and faculty are expected to earn their academic reputations with honesty and integrity.
What is Academic Integrity? The Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment, even in the face adversity, to five fundamental values: Honesty Trust Fairness Respect Responsibility “Only with trust can we believe in the research of others and move forward with new work. Only with trust can we collaborate with individuals, sharing information and ideas without fear that our work will be stolen, our careers stunted, or our reputations diminished. Only with trust can our communities believe in the social value and meaning of an institution’s scholarship and degrees.” From http://www.academicintegrity.org/fundamental_values_project/pdf/FVProject.pdf The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. The Center for Academic Integrity, Oct. 1999. p.6.
Does Plagiarism Only Apply to Written Work? No, it applies to a wide variety of materials. Think about the photos you may have “borrowed” from an Internet site for a PowerPoint presentation, or music from a CD or MP3 file you may have used as background music for a presentation. Did you remember to give credit or get permission from the artist? Plagiarism is essentially stealing someone else’s intellectual property. Intellectual property includes content created by musicians, artists, inventors, and authors.
Direct Quotes APA In-Text Citations When quoting word-for-word from a source, use quotation marks. If the quotation is more than 40 words in text, indent the quotation into its own block of text. Fewer than 40 words: “A creative person, virtually by definition, must be receptive to new ideas and willing to look at problems from various points of view.” (Davis, 1999, p.172) More than 40 words: Creative people tend to have certain attitudes. Another frequent trait is a keen sense of humor. It relates to one’s ability to take a childlike and playful approach to problems. Many discoveries, inventions, problem solutions, and artistic creations are the result of fooling around with ideas, playing with strange possibilities, or turning things upside down, backward, or inside out. (Davis, 1999, p. 172)
Paraphrasing When you are not quoting word-for-word but instead summarize, or rephrase other’s ideas in your work, you still need to cite the source of these ideas. Example: According to Davis (1999), creative people tend to be curious, open-minded, and perceptive. They often display a keen sense of humor. Or: Creative people tend to be curious, open-minded, and perceptive. They often display a keen sense of humor (Davis, 1999).
Common Knowledge A citation is not needed for statements considered to be common knowledge. Some examples are: Proverbs, axioms (self-evident principles), or common sayings (“Waste not, want not.”) Well-known quotations (“Variety is the spice of life.”) Facts that "everybody knows", in the context of the community in which the term is used. In the United States, it is common knowledge that George Washington was the first president. If you're not sure if something is considered common knowledge, look it up and cite it to play it safe. This slide is based on information from the web site, Citing Information from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries, http://www.lib.unc.edu/instruct/citations/whywecite/whattocite.html