CAI (computer-assisted instruction Pembelajaran berbantuan komputer Penggunaan komputer untuk menyajikan materi pembelajaran CAI digunakan secara individual (bukan klasikal)
CAI Disebut juga sebagai: Pembelajaran berbasis multimedia Courseware CAI: computer-assisted instruction CBE: computer-based education CAL: computer-assisted learning IAC: instructional applications of computers CBI: Computer-based Instruction
Keuntungan CAI interaktif memberi feedback segera infinitely patient motivates learners provides consistency in presentation can adjust difficulty to level of learner
Keuntungan CAI able to branch to provide appropriate content presentation to the learner can present concepts or processes dynamically and using multiple forms of representation can maintain records of student performance
Keterbatasan CAI frees the instructor to do other things equipment and software can be costly development takes time and money not all learning outcomes are well addressed by CBI
Keterbatasan CAI unsophisticated applications may not make good use of the computer simple CBI has limited modalities (but multimedia is changing that)
Tools Pengembangan Programming Languages relatively inexpensive powerful and flexible difficult to learn and to use Pascal, C, Java
Tools Pengembangan Authoring Tools relatively easy to learn and use powerful for some applications but limited to others expensive examples: Visual Basic, IconAuthor, Quest, Pathware, Toolbook
Tools Pengembangan Multimedia/Hypermedia Tools relatively easy to learn and use relatively powerful and flexible moderately priced examples: Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director, Authorware, Dreamweaver
Langkah Pengembangan Analisis kebutuhan Menentukan tujuan Mengumpulkan Resources Mempelajari materi 5. Merancang urutan pembelajaran
Langkah Pengembangan 6. Membuat flowchart 7. Membuat Storyboard 8. Membuat Program Melakukan evaluasi dan revisi Implementasi
Development Process 1. Analisis kebutuhan Cari tahu apa yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa Bagaimana karakteristik siswa (familiarity to computers, interest in the subject, educational level, experience in the subject)
Development Process 2. Menentukan tujuan what the student should know or be able to do state your Goals (e.g. to teach people how to operate the computer)
Development Process 3. Mengumpulkan Resources textbooks, reference books, films, etc. procurement of hardware and software requirements
Development Process 3. Mengumpulkan Resources Subject Resources materials relevant to the subject matter Instructional Design Resources materials relevant to the instructional development Media Resources hardware, software, operation manuals
Development Process 4. Mempelajari Materi refer to expert if not familiar with subject matter studying resources gathered includes content structure and not only the actual content
Development Process 5. Merancang urutan pembelajaran Memilih topik-topik yang akan disajikan Menentukan urutan bagaimana materi disajikan sehingga mudah dipelajari Menentukan topik-topik yang membutuhkan gambar, animasi, simulasi, video, dll.
Development Process 6. Membuat Flowchart series of diagrams describing the operations a computer performs visual representation of decisions and events shows sequence
Development Process 7. Membuat Storyboard process of preparing textual and pictorial displays depicts content and presentation draft of actual instructional messages such as presentations, questions, feedback, directions, prompts, pictures, and animations
Development Process 8. Membuat Program translation of what you have on paper into a series of instructions understandable to the computer
Development Process 9. Melakukan Evaluate dan revisi 10. Implementasi Alpha dan beta testing Revisi Evaluasi efektivitas CAI 10. Implementasi Installation Training
Design in Detail
Design Brainstorming Elimination of Ideas Task and Concept Analysis Preliminary Lesson Description Evaluation and Revision of the Design
Design Elimination of Ideas Bases: Characteristics of the students Relationship of ideas to the subject matter Amount of time Restrictions of your instructional delivery system
Design Task and Concept Analysis determine a suitable teaching sequence produce the necessary details of the lesson purpose: Sequence, Structure, Content Task Analysis: determine an efficient sequence for teaching the content Concept Analysis: analysis of the content
Design Task and Concept Analysis Make a Loaf of Bread Prepare the Dough Bake the Dough Prepare the Pan Prepare the Oven Bake the Dough Task Analysis of Bread Baking
Design Task and Concept Analysis Philippine History Pre-Spanish Period Magellan’s Discovery Colonization Rev. Concept Analysis of Philippine History
Design Preliminary Lesson Description identifying types of learning (verbal learning, motor skills, problem solving, rule learning, concept learning, attitudes, and cognitive strategies) choosing a methodology identifying procedures and required skills
Design Preliminary Lesson Description factor decisions (e.g. feedback, question types, directions, student control, motivation, judging, etc.) sequence description (focus: pre-requisites, assumptions)
Design Ideas Dialing local calls Telephone Courtesy Dialing for Information Types of Learning Simple skill Attitude learning Concept and Procedure Learning
Design Factor Response Types Response Mode Provision for Help Decision Pointing at numbers to dial Pointing with mouse Yes, by pointing at a HELP button
Flowchart Indicates the beginning of the flowchart Start Indicates the end of the flowchart End Description of what happens (interaction or feedback)
Flowchart Indicates the flow with the Flowchart Indicates decision points Subroutine Symbol
Flowchart Level 1 Flowchart no branches or decision points tells what the application/piece is all about
Flowchart Level 2 Flowchart Comprehensive overview of the structure of the lesson includes most of the pedagogical attributes Contains major branches does not contain detailed programming decision e.g. internal branches for data storage or retrieval
Flowchart Level 3 Flowchart Put details to subroutines e.g. computational algorithms
Storyboards Where do you wan to go next? Queues Stacks Linked Lists X Storyboard Number: Menu1.2 Comments If queues, go to T1 If Stacks, go to T2 If Linked Lists, go to T3 Where do you wan to go next? Queues Stacks Linked Lists X