A modern, international university in Småland
One of Sweden’s newest universities Located in Kalmar and Växjö 31,000 students 15,000 full-time equivalents 2,000 employees Sweden’s sixth largest university in terms of number of students
An attractive campus area and a university in the city centre Växjö Kalmar
Linnaeus University’s vision ”Linnaeus University – a creative and international knowledge environment promoting curiosity, creativity, companionship, and utility.”
In the spirit of Carl Linnaeus: Curiosity Creativity Companionship Utility
Organisation Board of Teacher Education Faculty of Arts and Humanities Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Technology School of Business and Economics Linnaeus University’s acting rector is Peter Aronsson, professor of history.
School of Business and Economics
Subjects Business Administration Accounting Logistics Marketing Entrepreneurship Organisation & Leadership Economics Statistics Tourism Studies Business Informatics Music & Event Management Legal Science
Education 13 Bachelor Programmes (2 in English) 13 Master Programmes (11 in English) 8 Bachelor Programmes 5 Master Programmes Single Subject Courses
Bachelor Programmes Business Administration and Economics 240 credits Business Administration and Economics pecialization in Marketing 180 credits Business Administration and Economics specialization in Accounting and Management Control 180 credits Customer Experience Management 180 credits Economics180 credits Enterprising & Business Development 180 credits Human Resource Management 180 credits International Business180 credits International Sales and Marketing 180 credits Marketing 180 credits Music & Event Management 180 credits Retail and Service Management 180 credits Tourism Management 180 credits
Master Programmes Business Process Control & Supply Chain Management 60 & 120 credits Corporate Governance – Accounting and Finance 60 credits Entrepreneurship 60 & 120 credits Innovation through Business, Engineering and Design 120 credits International Business Strategy 60 credits Leadership & Management in International Contexts 60 credits Leadership – innovative, creative and entrepreneurial 60 credits Marketing 60 & 120 credits Tourism and sustainability 60 & 120 credits
Students 2016 Full time equivalent students Undergraduate students 1690 Graduate students 341 Single Subject Courses 556 Total number of students 2587 Total number of registrations 5101 Women's proportion of registered 59 %
Students, full-time eqivalent 2014–2016 Undergraduate students Graduate students
Student completion (%), 2014–2016 Total number of students Undergraduate students Graduate students Undergraduate students
Where do our students come from? Kronoberg County 22% Kalmar County 21% Abroad 13% Stockholm County 10% Skåne County 7% Västra Götaland County 5%
International profile 320 Partner Universities 320 Incoming students annually 250 Outgoing students annually
Four Departments Department of Accounting and Logistics Department of Marketing Department of Economics and Statistics Department of Organisation and Entrepreneurship
Staff Professors Visiting Professors Senior Lecturers Lecturers Employed Doctoral Students Administrative staff
Well-established research groups – three examples Studies differences in career opportunities and level of income on different arenas where it is suspected that vulnerable groups are being disadvantaged. The researchers have initiated studies focusing on the problematics – who is in and who is out – that occurs on the labour market as well as on different financial markets. Corporate Governance Research Group Studies how companies are run and controlled with a focus on relations in the corporate governance. Labour market and discrimination studies Studies differences in career opportunities and level of income on different arenas where it is suspected that vulnerable groups are being disadvantaged. The researchers have initiated studies focusing on the problematics – who is in and who is out – that occurs on the labour market as well as on different financial markets. Corporate governance research group Studies how companies are run and controlled with a focus on relations in the corporate governance. Centre for international business studies on emerging markets Focuses on international marketing, international business strategies and international entrepreneurship. Well-established research groups at the school of business and economics – three examples Labour market and discrimination studies: The researchers have initiated studies focusing on the problematics – who is in and who is out – that occurs on the labour market as well as on different financial markets. Corporate governance research group: Among other things studies how board members interact with each other, how decisions are made, what happens in the board room, what separates the governance of a family business from that of other companies and how international regulations are adapted to Swedish conditions. Centre for international business studies on emerging markets: The research focuses on emerging markets; like the Baltic region, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Centre for International Business Studies on Emerging Markets Focuses on international marketing, international business strategies and international entrepreneurship.
Examples of research areas I Accounting Corporate Governance Management Accounting Business Informatics Digital services for young elderly's well beeing Demands on IT Project Management Transit to E-commerce Economics Labour market and discrimination studies Differences in labour market outcomes between ethnic groups Demographic factors (age, gender, sexual identity) affecting employment and income Assessments of labour market and integration policies Entrepreneurship Family enterprising Social entrepreneurship Development of the countryside Entrepreneurship at school Ämnen och exempel på forskningsområden 2 Logistics Performance management in supply chains Inventory Management Logistics development in the forest industry Supplier Development
Examples of research areas II Law Workplace Discrimination European Social Dialogue Safety in home care and personal assistance Marketing International business strategies International marketing on emerging markets Relationship marketing Sensory marketing Organisation & Leadership Leadership and organizing in nontraditional enterprises and organizations Fields of tensions between stakeholders, idea systems and leadership practices Fields of tensions between commerce and culture/sports/health/church Statistics Analysis of high-dimensional data Development of statistical methodology for diagnostic testing Tourism Studies Tourism and climate change Tourism and the Anthropocene Algae blooms and tourism Ämnen och exempel på forskningsområden 1
Research Publications 2015 Publications, total Level 1 and 2 Level 2 Web of Science Peer Review