West Forsyth HS REGISTRATION 2018-2019
Counselors Miranda Dicato A - Coj medicato@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Jenn Wyshner Col - Ep jlwyshner@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Robin Downs Es -Ji rpdowns@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Tammy Winchester Jo - Mo twinches@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Allison Barnes Mu - Sh ambarnes@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Sean Sandag Si - Z smsandag@wsfcs.k12.nc.us
Registration timeline Rising 9th Graders February 26th-March 16th Online registration period for Middle School 8th graders March 23rd Middle School will deliver registration cards to High schools Any changes or requests will need to come to us after this date
Registration timeline Current West Students February 12th -14th Student orientation in Math classes every period Students without math 2nd sem. were given passes to attend these sessions Friday February 16th Student Q&A with counselors during lunches in 600 lobby Tuesday & Wednesday February 20th-21st registration for students w/o math Students will receive passes to see their counselors during these two days Thursday February 22nd – March 28th Individual student registration through Math
Registration MATERIALS given to current students this week Registration handbook Personal copy of transcript Registration card West specific Course Offerings list Forms and applications Online registration instructions Rising 9th graders will receive these materials from their middle schools
Future-Ready Core Course of Study 4 English 4 Math 4 Social Studies 4 Science 2 PE/Health/LMS (.5 credit ea.) 2 electives (electives must be any combination of Career Technical Education, Arts Education or Second Language) 2 additional electives (from CTE, JROTC, Arts Education or any other subject area) Total = 22 credits Credit Opportunities = 32 (8 courses per year)
Course Levels Regular- Written assignments are shorter, have more check points; discussions are shorter, more structured; daily review of assignments, more homework checks No added GPA weight value Honors- Focus on high levels of thinking; require self-motivation and ability to complete outside reading; little review; exhibit independent thinking, a strong work ethic; additional reading, writing and research assignments. .5 added GPA weight value Seminar- Expect more depth, creativity, breadth; regular writing assignments with high expectations; emphasis on interpretation and analysis; provides less structure than a traditional honors class; requires additional outside reading beyond the textbook Advanced Placement- college level writing expectations; high level analysis; college level text; academically gifted, self-disciplined and highly motivated; significantly increased reading, writing and research assignments compared to the honors/seminar levels. 1 added GPA weight value
Options Early graduation- appropriate for a select few submit request during junior year Career and College Promise/dual enrollment Credit recovery- Edginuity- discuss with your counselor Currently offered at west before / or after school
REGISTRATION HANDBOOK Course descriptions, prerequisites, levels, Flow charts/sequencing for each subject area Semester courses scheduled together in the following pairs: Bible Hist. OT/Bible Hist. NT (any grade level) World Geo./Int’l Rel. (any grade level) Shakespeare 101/Shakespeare 102 (upper class only) SAT/ACT Prep/Sociology/Latino American Studies Studies / African American Studies / Quest (upper classes only)
WS/FC Schools Course Assignment Principles Assignment Principles Are Applied For English, Math, Science, And Social Studies Courses Based On Most Recent End Of Grade, End Of Course Exam Scores For Rising 9th Graders, Most Recent Exam Scores Are 7th Grade EOG Scores Assigned Courses And Levels Will Be Indicated On Student Registration Cards Assignment In Honors Courses Is Levels 4 And 5
COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS for current students Online teacher recommendations Entered into PowerSchool by teachers for 1st & 2nd semester Can be viewed by students and counselors If a teacher has not entered a recommendation by 2/16, the students are encouraged to have a conversation with the teacher Teacher recommendations are key!
COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS for current students Teachers recommend students per their department area Just because every teacher may recommend an HN or AP course for you doesn’t mean that you should do so in every course - Balance is essential! Always keep in mind your extra-curricular activities commitments: Athletics, Job, Hobbies Talk to teachers; ask about electives in areas of interest Parent/student choice request form………..
Career and College Ready Graduates CCRG It is the expectation of the Winston- Salem/Forsyth County Schools that all students graduate college or career ready by engaging in rigorous and relevant classwork and completing a four year course of study that prepares them for college or work after high school.
Career and College Ready Graduates CCRG Impact on current Juniors If Grade Point Average >= 2.75 unweighted OR If English ACT subscore >= 18, or Reading ACT subscore >= 22 Drop: _______ English IV (non-honors)_________ Add: _ English 4 HN / AP English Lit____________ If Grade Point Average >= 2.75 unweighted OR If Math ACT subscore >= 22 Drop: _______ Essentials of College Math__________ Add: __Discrete / Discrete HN / AFM / Pre-Calc ___
Career Center Most offerings are available to Juniors and Seniors JUNIORS receive priority for CTE 2-year programs Cosmetology ($350 deposit; 600 hours/yr including nights & weekends; limited spots) Culinary Arts ($75 deposit to secure spot) Automotive / Collision Health Science (must have B in Biology; 110 spots for entire county) Standard travel time can be 25-30 minutes Standard number of courses when combining West and CC is “7”. 8 courses can be requested, but may not fit Requires course at 8am at CC
New Course Offerings at West Sports & Entertainment Mkt II HN Beginning Band For All Students (No Experience Necessary) American Sign Language III HN NOTE: Not all schools (private) accept ASL as a foreign language admissions requirement
Selecting Courses Must choose 8 courses and 4 alternates Note: yearlong vs. block courses List alternates in order of preference Choose 7 courses only if planning to attend Career Center Refer to the “Course Offerings” to plan your schedule Forms Career Center Travel Media Assistant / Teacher Cadet Applications Study Seminar Study Seminar for seniors only. Must have at least 3 AP, 5 HN or a combo of these courses to be considered. Complete form but do not list on registration card. Not scheduled until summer. Assigned to a classroom – not Media Center
Points Worth Consideration Balance, Balance, Balance!!! Course rigor, athletics, clubs, part-time job, free/social time, sleep Getting Enough Sleep Minimum 7 – 7.5 hours of sleep is required for teens – 9 is recommended This is the iGen! Time on phones Time on social-media Resiliency Can your child manage all of the above, plus the course load they are requesting without an undue amount of stress?
Current Student due dates Registration card & forms– DUE to math teacher by: February 20th B day classes February 21st A day classes Non-math students registration card & forms Due on February 21st or 22nd (date of counselor appt.) Online/registration card choices must match Student/counselor will finalize at 1-on-1 conference and then student will be locked out from making changes
On-Line Registration Book | (No On-Line Registration Book https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=16407 2&dataid=250551&FileName=2018-19%20HS%20Registration%20Handbook.pdf Powerpoint will be posted on Student Services Website Tomorrow
Special Programs Advanced Placement Mr. Egan Career Technical Education Mrs. Hale Finance Academy Ms. Martin
Department Locations 400 Building 700 Building 401 – Mathematics I & II 701 – World Languages: French, Latin, German 402 – Mathematics III & up 702 – World Languages: Spanish, Amer. Sign Lang. 403 – Exceptional Children 703 – English Learners: ESL 404 – Family and Consumer Science 704 – Health/Life Skills/PE 405 – Social Studies: Civics & Amer. Hist. 705 – Visual Arts 406 - Social Studies: World Hist. 706 – Science: Earth Envr. / Biology 406A –Social Studies: AP & Electives 707 – Science: Chemistry / Physics & upper levels 407 – English I & II 708 – JROTC 408 – English III & up 409 – Business / Marketing 410 – Technology / Drafting APAC Performing Arts / Dance Student Services: Counselors