Tone Vocab Project by Jiwon Lee Allusive Tone Vocab Project by Jiwon Lee
Definition of Allusive (adj) having reference to something implied or inferred Etymology: 16 century, from the Latin word alludere which means to joke or jest, from ad – “to” and ludere “to play.” Later it become to mean “make a fancicul reference to.”
Find ALLUSIVE In books: Ammianus Marcellinus: The Allusive Historian by Gavin Kelly In sentences The links between the art-work and the biblical themes it seeks to explore, illustrate, and interpret, are often highly allusive. But, just as Saddam has remained allusive so have Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Umar.
What is ALLUSIVE? East of Eden by John Steinbeck (negative traits of women & the biblical story of Cain and Abel) 1984 by George Orwell (Shakespeare, revolution in China) Jesus (alluded to prophecy) Ring Around a Posy (Black Plague) Animal Farm by George Orwel (totalitarianism)
What is ALLUSIVE? Part 2 Shrek movies (fairy tales) Wizares of Waverly Place (one episode alluded to Harry Potter) Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Great Depression) Saturday Night Live (famous people like Sarah Palin) Scary movie series (other horror movies)
Something allusive… This artwork by Lauren Grisham alludes to the famous painting, Mona Lisa.
Hey Juliet by LMNT The lyrics of Hey Juliet by LMNT alludes to Shakespeare’s famous play, Romeo and Juliet.
Works Cited “Allusive Definition.”, n.d. Web. 2009. Grisham, Lauren. Montage Mona Lisa. 2009. Fineart America. Web. 4 December 2009. Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary. November 2001. Web. 4 December 2009. LMNT. “Hey Juliet.” All Sides. Atlantic Recording, 2002. LoveToKnow, Corp. 1996. Web. 4 December 209.