Maths Fact families – Addition facts Find number bonds for numbers within 10 Systematic methods for number bonds within 10 Number bonds to 10 Comparing number bonds and finding number patterns. Subtraction: Taking away, how many left? Crossing out Subtraction: Taking away, how many left? Introducing the subtraction symbol Subtraction: Finding a part, breaking apart. Subtraction: Counting back Subtraction: Finding the difference Art / DT Use a variety of tools to explore the use of line, shape and colour- poppy and firework pictures. Use a variety of materials to create Christmas crafts. History To consider changes in living memory through comparing toys past and present. Find out about Victorian toys and how toys have changed across the years. To use timelines and language to sequence and communicate the passing of time. Learn about the significant lives of individuals in the past (Guy Fawkes). Events beyond living memory (The Gunpowder Plot). Understand some ways we find out about the past (artefacts/paintings). Computing Continuing the familiarization and independence of using a laptop and the Paint program. To ‘explore with a ‘BeeBot’: giving it instructions to move. Science To learn to identify common materials. To name and compare the properties of common materials. To investigate waterproof materials. Toys… Year 1 Term 2 2017 Music Using instruments to create sound effects for different toy movements. Learning a variety of Christmas songs and actions Literacy Daily phonics work at appropriate phase. Guided reading. Non-fiction writing on Guy Fawkes. Fantasy stories. Christmas stories. Labels, lists and captions. Skills to develop: Using a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for a proper noun. Using a full stop at the end of a sentence. Using the conjunction ‘and’ to join two sentences together. Stories to include: Old bear, Toy Story, Harvey Slumfenburger’s Christmas present, The gingerbread man. RE Christmas: The Christmas story PSHE I can tell you what a good being a good friend means. I know people who keep me safe. I understand road safety. I understand how to stay safe around fires and fireworks. PE Gymnastics: Balances and using basic equipment. Games : Rugby Tots continues