Formulating a research question Dissertation Formulating a research question
Dissertation Topic vs Dissertation Question You may have found your topic, but within that topic you must find a specific question that you want to try and answer. The research question, together with your methodological approach, will guide and structure the choice of data to be collected and analysed.
When to create your research question? It is important that you create a research question at, or close to the start of, your dissertation. It is one of the key tools you have, to ensure that your dissertation remains focused and coherent. Every task you undertake for your dissertation should begin with you checking your research question and asking “will this help me address my research question?”.
How to create a research question Creating a research question is a task. Good research questions are worked on they are rarely simply found. You start with what interests you (topic area), and you refine this until you have a workable research question. Ask questions to help you with this part of the process.
How to create a research question What research question(s) are you asking? Why are you asking it/them? Has anyone else done anything similar? Is your research relevant to research/practice/theory in your field? What is already known or understood about this topic? How might your research add to this understanding, or challenge existing theories and beliefs?
How to create a research question Try describing your question as a research problem that sets out: the issue that you are going to be investigating; your argument or thesis (what you want to prove, disprove, or explore); and the limits of your research (i.e. what you are not going to be investigating).
Creating a research question Research problem Commentary 'Public transport in Scotland’ This sets out your research field but does not frame a research problem because it is too general. You do not have time to study everything about a topic, so you should focus on an aspect that you are interested in. ‘Examination of the influence of public transport links on new housing development in Western Scotland’ This is a much better research problem as it establishes an argument (existence of public transport may have some influence on new housing development). However, it is still quite general and could be improved by further focus. ‘Investigation of the relationship between public transport links and the development of new areas of housing in Western Scotland: a comparison of local plans and building development since 1990’ This is better still. It shows the limits of the project. You will be investigating a complex subject (public transport in Scotland), but will be focusing on only one aspect of it (possible influence on new housing development). You will make this large subject manageable by focusing on a limited period of time (1990 onwards), and limited sources.
Revision of your research question You should be willing to revise your research question as you find out more about your topic. Why? You may discover that the data you were hoping to analyse is not available. You may encounter a new piece of information or a new concept while undertaking a literature search, that makes you rethink the basis of your research question.