Today we are learning to explain the origins and structure of the Bible We are learning this so that we can explain using scriptural examples the authority of different types of writing in the Bible I can define the terms revelation and inspiration. I can give examples of the types of writings in the old and new testaments. I can recognise scripture from the different types of writings. I can explain the role of the holy spirit in the origins of the sacred text. I can evaluate the acceptance of the Bible as a source of authority for Christians.
Questions from previous lessons
Swap books with the person next to you Swap books with the person next to you. Use a PURPLE pen to peer mark their answers, give a score out of 5. Write a WWW & EBI.
Bible- the sacred book of Christianity, containing the old and new testaments. Church- the holy people of God, also called the body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active. church- a building in which Christians worship. Apostles- ‘one who is sent’; the name given to the disciples who became leaders of the early church.
The Bible means a Library of books or a collection of books The Bible means a Library of books or a collection of books. There are 72 books in the Bible. It is split into TWO sections. The Old Testament and the New Testament. It has been translated into about 2,000 different languages. Catholics believe that the Bible is Verbum Dei- The Word of God. It remains the Number 1 best selling book of all time.
This is called Revelation. I can define the terms revelation and inspiration. Catholic’s believe that God gradually showed us what God is really like through God’s WORD. This is called Revelation. God spoke through Human writers. God, the Holy Spirit, guided the writers of the Bible as they wrote. This is called Inspiration. In your books and in your own words, explain what (i) Revelation and (ii) Inspiration means.
In your groups, read the facts about the old and new testaments In your groups, read the facts about the old and new testaments. There are 4 different types of writing in each testament. Put the statements into two categories. Those that apply to the Old Testament and those that apply to the New Testament. Match the definitions to the type of writing and add them to your worksheet.
What type of writing is it? Text What type of writing is it? How do you know? Praise him all you people, praise him in the heights, praise him with clashing of symbols for the Lord has been good to us. Psalm150 But now, it is Yahweh who speaks, come back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping and mourning. Joel 2:12 God saw all that he had made and it was very good. God rested on the seventh day and then made it holy. Gen1:3 David, Son of Jesse had reigned over the whole of Israel. His reign lasted 40 years, he had reigned in Hebron for seven years and in Jerusalem for thirty-three. 1Chronicles 29 I, Paul appointed by God to be an Apostle, together with brother Sosthenes, send greetings to you in Corinth. 1Cor1:1 The Doors were closed, but there was a sound like a mighty wind and what seemed like tongues of fire resting on their heads. Acts2:1-3 Jesus told his disciples, it will be Passover in two days, and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified. Matt26:1-2 The beast was captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire and sulphur. And the rest were killed by the sword of those dressed in the blood of the Lamb of God. Rev19:20-21 Can be differentiated depending on your group.
Give two types of writing from the Holy Bible and explain their importance for Christians today. (4) One type of writing is… This type of writing contains teaching such as… It is important because…
Can it say anything of any meaning to us today? Christians believe that the Bible was inspired by God. This means that they believe that God was speaking to the people who wrote each book, and so each book has something special that it can say to its readers. Christians read it together in church, or by themselves at home, to receive guidance and encouragement for their lives. Of course there is an obvious question here. Is it possible to take something that was written between 2000 and 3000 years ago, and try to apply it to life in the 21st century? The earliest parts of the Bible were written for a nomadic people (i.e. people who had no fixed home but travelled around) Family roles and relationships were very different to those in our Western culture today. Can it say anything of any meaning to us today?
Getting a picture of God Christians might say that although the Bible is an ancient text, it is timeless and just as relevant today. There are a couple of things in particular which they might use it for. Getting a picture of God Christians use the Bible to help them understand what God is like. A verse like Psalm 145:8, ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love’, may have been written millennia ago, but states something eternal about the God of the Bible. The fullest picture of God that Christians have is found in the New Testament, in the accounts of Jesus found in the gospels. Understanding how God wants us to live Jesus’ teaching, found in the New Testament, also stands the test of time. ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:31) and ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ (Luke 6:31) make as much sense to us today as it did to Jesus’ followers 2000 years ago.
You are to present your findings in next lesson. In your groups, you will be given one type of writing from the Bible to research. You must include; Who is believed to have wrote it The Historical context of the time What we learn about God/How we should behave from this type of writing What gives this types of writing authority. Why is important for Christians to follow You are to present your findings in next lesson.
Now glue in your worksheets Answer the question on your review sheet to show your understanding of todays lesson. Now glue in your worksheets What does the word Gospel mean? Give examples of types of writing from the & new Testaments What role does the Holy Spirit play in the origins of the written texts? Find John 3:6. Explain what type of writing this is. How do we know?