Chapter 4 Section 2 Hinduism
Hinduism No Religious leader 850 million practice this religion in India alone.
Brahma He holds Vedas, Water Pot for prayer, lotus flower for purity, Rosary for meditation. Born from a golden egg Created Earth and everything on it
Vishnu Kindly god, cares about humans Visits earth from time to time in different forms. Guides humans and protects them from disaster. Holds a conch, sound of creations, discus represents the mind (chakra), lotus flower represents creation of man, and mace represents strength.
Why is Vishnu Blue? He is limitless, like the sky. Taken the form of Fish Turtle Boar dwarf Warrior Kings
Third Eye represents wisdom. Shiva Third Eye represents wisdom. Not concerned with human matters Powerful, destroys only to recreate. Develops from Rudra Creator of the thunderbolt
Upanishads “sitting near a teacher.” Question and answer session with teacher. Use the Hindu religious books called, Vedas.
What are the duties of Hindu’s? Dharma – fulfill your role or duty on Earth Men protect woman Rulers protect subjects Ahisma – be nonviolent, remember Brahman is in all things
Yogi Physical activity with special breathing exercises Helps to “free the soul fom the cares of the world” Yoga means union
How do Hindu’s Pray? In temples Show devotion privately at home Many choose a personal God, honor with gifts, food, prayer at home altar.