Presentation to PPC: Mineral Resources 11 October 2016 Thabo Dube
Contents Introduction of MHSC Team MHSC Mandate Performance Against Strategic Objectives Auditor General Report Conclusion 2
MHSC MANDATE Advise the Minister on all occupational health and safety issues in the mining industry relating to legislation, research and promotion Review and develop legislation (regulations) for recommendation to the Minister Promote health and safety culture in the mining industry Oversee research in relation to health and safety in the mining industry Liaise with other bodies concerned with health and safety issues 3
Alignment to the National Development Plan National Development Plan MHSC Strategy Relevant NDP Chapter Specific NDP Item MHSC Objective Chapter 9 – Improving Education, Training and Innovation Research and innovation by institutions has a key role to play in improving SA’s global competitiveness Ensure R&D should be expanded in the country through collaboration across the South African education system with internationally accredited institutions South Africa’s global competitiveness should be improved, and the system of innovation has a key role to play Deliver MHSC projects on Brief, Budget and Time (BBT) Deliver against MHSC Mandate and MHSC Summit Action Plans to ensure Stakeholder Satisfaction Centre of Excellence Business Plan Implementation Chapter 10 – Promoting Health Average life expectancy (HIV\Aids Issues) Progressively improve TB prevention and cure Reduction of non-communicable diseases or lifestyle diseases Summit Action Plans Initiatives Chapter 13 – Building a capable and developmental state The State’s institutions should have adequate capacity to deliver on their mandates. Ensure that MHSC Staff and Council Members have Adequate Skills and Competencies through Continuous Development 4
Alignment to the Nine Point Plan National Development Plan MHSC Strategy Nine Point Plan MHSC Objective Nine Point Plan to Ignite Economic Growth Encouraging private sector investment. Unlocking the potential of SMMEs, cooperatives, township and rural enterprises. Operation Phakisa aimed growing the ocean economy and other sectors (Mining Phakisa). Build capacity for the MHSC including CoE Centre of Excellence Business Plan Implementation 5
Legislation Regulations Guidelines Standards MHSC STRUCTURE MHSC Council MOHAC MITHAC MRAC CTAC SIMRAC ARC HRRAC CoE Research determination technical committee Research dissemination Research and program delivery technical committee Health Policy Health Information Health Regulations / Research Inputs HIV/AIDS and TB Programmes Legislation Regulations Guidelines Standards Oversight role on the overall Implementation of Culture Transformation Audit and Risk Committee Human Resources & Remuneration Advisory Committee 6
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Research Thrust Areas, CoE Occupational Health Occuational Safety Human Factors Rock falls Rock burst Explosions and Fires Machinery and Transport Airborne pollutants Physical hazards Occupational diseases Human factors / behavioral safety Culture Transformation Framework 7
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Research Achievements Handbook on PPE for WIM Identify Opportunities for Improving Barring – Down Practices Integration of the South African national Seismograph Network and database with Mining Networks as per recommendations in Chapter 1 of Presidential Mine and Safety Audit 2008. Adverse Health Impacts Associated with Dust Emissions from gold mine tailings Develop an operational manual for implementation of the revised Code of Practice: Assessment of exposure to airborne Pollutions Identification, Selection and Promotion of TB Leading Practices in the South African Mining Industry 8
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Research Outcomes Safe Barring Practices Training Modules 9
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Research Outcomes cont.. Isoseismal map of the earthquake which occurred on 5 August 2014 with magnitude 5.5 in the KOSH region. DRD gold mine Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) showing surrounding communities located close to the TSF The website established for displaying the automatically located events. 10
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Legislative Advice, Guidelines Right to Refuse Dangerous Work, The Management of Medical Incapacity due to ill Health, Minimum Standards of Fitness to Perform Work on a Mine, Guidance Note for the Implementation of Tuberculosis Preventative Therapy Among People Living with HIV and Silicosis in South Africa 11
MHSC Mandate and Summit Action Plans: Centre of Excellence A Virtual Centre Aiming to: Game changer in conducting business: research and facilitating implementation of outcomes. Build research capacity for the mining industry, viz HDSA’s and Institutions. Mining innovation, new technologies transfer and providing a platform for commercialization, i.e. use e.g. TIA. Provide training to mineworkers on research outcomes through MQA for successful implementation. Business plan approved and being implemented. 12
CoE Business Plan & Implementation Plan 13
Promoting, Communicating MHSC Programmes, OHS Awareness The plan consisted of the following initiatives amongst others: Hosting MHSC Roadshows: Regional Tripartite Forums Providing opinions on media related articles Commemoration of mining disasters Hosting of conferences (Women in Mining/ HIV Awareness) Promoting MHSC work through Exhibitions and Presentations by Participation in Mining Indaba, Various Conferences, Summits, Workshops, 14
Promoting, Communicating MHSC Programmes, OHS Awareness MHSC Promotional Activities – World Aids Day December 2015 • People reached: 1 000 •People screened for TB: 326 •Suspects: 22 •Sputum tested: 22 •Positive: 0 •HIV (Pretest) counselled: 99 •HIV Tested: 91 •HIV Positive: 5 •Referred: 5 •MMC: 21 •BP: 65 •Glucose done: 59 •Male condoms distributed: 3500 •Female condoms distributed: 350 All people who tested positive on the day, were referred to health services for further management (care and treatment). 15
Promoting, Communicating MHSC Programmes, OHS Awareness The Mine Health and Safety Council identified the need to host an Occupational Health Dialogue which provided a platform used to focus solely on Occupational Health. The aim is to lead to greater awareness and focus on Occupational Health issues that are found in the SAMI (South African Mining Industry) Taking Occupational Health Beyond Compliance 16
45% of RFP completed in 45 days and 80% RFQ completed in 10 days Improving Turnaround Time for Procurement of Services to Ensure Delivery Not achieved: 45% of RFP completed in 45 days and 80% RFQ completed in 10 days Actions plans implemented: Controls have been implemented to ensure achievement Training of all role players within the SCM processes; capacity building Improvement on current system to ensure efficiency Review of current SCM policies and procedures Year to date over 80% of RFP within turnaround times, good signs of improvement 17
Enhance Effectiveness of Employee Performance Management Process This objective includes the following initiatives which were achieved: The Annual Performance Plan’ objectives were cascaded through signing of Performance Agreements for the MHSC’ staff. The Work Skills Plan and Annual Training Report was submitted to the Mining Qualification Authority. Continued commitment from staff and management is necessary in order to enhance the effectiveness of performance management in the organisation. Automated Performance Management to be Implemented in the Next Financial Year 18
Deliver MHSC Projects on Brief, Budget, Time This objective includes the following initiatives which were achieved: Monitor MHSC Projects through a contract register to deliver them on Budget, Brief and on Time. During 2015/16, 90 Project milestones were due and 85 delivered. Extensions were granted where projects were delayed due to reasons beyond the service provider’s control and penalties imposed to those without authentic reasons. Nine (9) quick win projects were identified, seven were awarded whilst two were non-responsive. 1 Project re-advertised and procurement process in the final stages 1 Cancelled as result of new developments in the mining industry Implement the Centre of Excellence (CoE) Business Plan for the CoE currently being implemented expected to be fully operational in April 2017. 19
Achievement against strategic objective: Implement and Maintain Information, Knowledge and Record Management System: Achievement against strategic objective: Data is continuously being deposited into the designed documents repository portal to safeguard corporate knowledge Manual and electronic file plan developed and being implemented Effectiveness measurement tool has been implemented Other IT Solutions Implemented Enterprise Project Management Visitors WIFI (Access point) Video Conferencing Solutions Enhanced and secure VPN Upgraded Finance System Deployed email archiving systems 20
MHSC Staff & Council Members : Skill and Competencies Development Not Achieved: Capacity & Skills Development Challenges Included: Securing some Staff members, Council and Committee members attendance due to various commitments There was a review on the approach relating to skills and competency development both in the MHSC office and Council: Timing appropriateness against organisational operational requirements Individuals Assessments of new Council and Committee members 21
Improving Organizational Climate and Creating Conducive Environment Various Initiatives were Implemented in Creating Conducive Organisational Environment: Management implemented 90% of the action plans of the climate survey recommendations. The balance of the initiatives related to the review of policies, impacting issues of moral and organisational climate. A follow-up climate survey was conducted in March 2016, 83% of the staff members who participated in the survey are positive about the organisational culture of the MHSC. This is a satisfactory representation and positive evidence in the right direction for the organisation. Positive signs of improvement of organisational climate, with more still to be done to ensure good staff morale and building a productive and stable work-force. 22
Financial Sustainability & Viability and Utilisation of Financial Resources Financial sustainability of the organisation and utilisation of financial resources Under this Perspective both Strategic Objectives were Achieved General Improvement in research spending and overall usage of financial resources Areas of Concern were the following: Levy calculations system customization and automation Underspending on operating and research expenses Surplus fund strategy outlines the projected expenditure, and therefore overall spending is expected to improve Recommendations Provided by National Treasury Spending Plans Approved by National Treasury 23
Financial performance overview – Statement of financial performance for the year ended 31 March 2016 2 016 2 015 Actual Variance R'000 Revenue Levies & transfer 75 305 75 628 - 323 Other Income 493 312 181 Interest income 12 876 11 564 1 312 Promotion of health and safety 384 642 Total revenue 89 058 88 146 1 554 Expenditure Personnel 30 009 26 895 3 114 Depreciation and amortisation 3 503 3 825 - 322 Finance costs 50 37 13 Operating expenses 32 192 22 254 9 938 Research expenses 31 625 14 870 16 755 Total expenditure 97 379 67 881 29 498 Surplus/(Deficit) (8 321) 20 265 - 27 944 24
Analysis of Expenditure Spending plan was approved by Council and implemented Spending according to the approved plan and resulted in improved performance Consulted with NT wrt the approved Spending Plan and use of surplus funds NT cautioned against “speedy rate” of spending of surplus funds, given current economic challenges. (“delay some of the capital projects”) Approved plan to be revised to factor in the NT concerns Surplus funds to be utilized over longer period to ensure financial sustainability of the Council Council expects limited to zero appropriation from NT during the medium term, therefore surplus management is critical 25
Auditor General Report Unqualified Audit Opinion Non –compliance with the laws and regulation- This was a technical accounting error regarding classification of revenue and expenditure. The refund was done for the first time, and our interpretation was differently from the AG. Management developed action plans to address all previous year audit findings Auditor General recommendations have been implemented 26
2016 MINE HEALTH & SAFETY SUMMIT The milestones were developed collaboratively amongst the stakeholders agreed upon by our Principals in 2014 Summit Action plan developed currently being implemented Progress review in the November 2016 Summit 27
2014 MINE HEALTH & SAFETY SUMMIT MILESTONES Target Elimination of fatalities and injuries Every mining company must have a target of zero fatalities, by 2020 Reduction of serious injuries Up to December 2016, 20% reduction yearly Reduction of Lost Time Injuries From January 2017, 20% reduction yearly Elimination of noise induced hearing loss Quietening of Equipment By December 2024, the total operational or process noise emitted by any equipment must not exceed a milestone sound pressure level of 107 db. For the Individual By December 2016, no employee’s standard threshold shift (STS) will exceed 25 db. from the baseline when averaged at 2000, 3000 and 4000 hz in one or both ears Reduction and Prevention of TB, HIV & AIDS Infections By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should be at or below the National TB incident rate and 100% of employees should be offered HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) annually with all eligible employees linked to an Antiretroviral Therapy Treatment (ART) programme as per the National Strategic Plan (NSP). Implementation of CTF By December 2024, there should be 100% of CTF pillars implemented 2014 SUMMIT MILESTONES 28
Commemorations of Disasters: Mine Workers Programme of Action to Commemorate Mine Workers who Lost their Lives as Result of Mining Disasters Plan of action for the commemorations Tracing the families for the deceased mine workers – SADC region Skills programmes to benefit the beneficiaries of the deceased Working with MQA on various programmes (Commitments made by MQA) Documenting the disasters in the form of books, audiovisual documentaries Learning from the Past Events (Kinross, Vaalreefs and Coalbrook) Consultation done with Department of Arts and Culture and the National Heritage Council Establishing Wall of Remembrance 29