El alfabeto espaÑol
INtroducciÓn ¿Qué ya sabes del alfabeto español? (What do you already know about the Spanish alphabet?) ¿Qué piensas que vamos a aprender del alfabeto español? (What do you think we are going to learn about the alphabet?)
AL FIN Al fin de esta lección, vas a poder… decir por que es importante saber el alfabeto en español. pronunciar las vocales en español y dar información de ellas. decir el alfabeto en español. explicar el uso de los acentos escritos. comparar el alfabeto español y el alfabeto inglés.
¿Por quÉ es importante? Spanish is a PHONETIC language. Words are spelled the way they are pronounced. Most letters will have only one sound!!
VOCALES a e i o u Pronunciation Trick- mouth gets smaller Each vowel has only one sound “Short” sounds
El Alfabeto: Las Letras Symbol/ Name/ Pronounciation There are officially 27 letters in the Spanish alphabet. A B C CH D E F G H I J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q R RR S T U V W X Y Z Why do you think are CH, LL and RR highlighted? CH, LL, RR were officially removed from the Spanish alphabet in 2010
El Alfabeto: Las Letras Symbol/ Name/ Pronounciation A B C CH D E F G H I J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q R RR S T U V W X Y Z “HEY” “ACHE” “HOTA” “E- YAY” KA UVE DOBLE DOBLE UVE DOBLE V, DOBLE U, ” UVE VAY EQUIS YE IGRIEGA
Practicamos con… COSMO CHANT
Acentos Escritos: Where do they go? over some vowels What does it do? shows stress/emphasis on a syllable How do you “say” it when spelling? Á (“a” con acento)
Acentos Escritos: When do we need a written accent? 1) show pronunciation if the word “breaks” rule If a word ends in a vowel, n or s, the natural stress is on the second to last syllable= Hola; soFÁ If a word ends in a consonant (other than n or s), stress is on last syllable = paPEL, LÁpiz
Acentos Escritos: When do we need a written accent? 2) to differentiate between 2 words with same pronunciation but different meanings *(tu/tú; el/él; solo/sólo)* 3) to indicate question words *¿quién? ¿qué? ¿cuándo?...*
Letras especiales: ñ: extra letter in the Spanish alphabet (CANYON); ~ is called a tilde. It is NOT an accent! ch, ll , & rr: used to be in Spanish alphabet but were removed h: silent
Letras especiales: b & v: In many countries they have the same pronunciation /b/. Both B and V used to both be named “be”. In 2010, V was renamed “uve”. Before the switch, we would use the following trick when spelling... B: “b grande” or “b de burro” V: “ v chica” or “v de vaca”
Letras especiales: k & w: only used in “loan words”; considered foreign letters (EJ: kayak, waterpolo) rr: “doble R”; makes a vibrating or trilling sound; think about the sound a motorcycle makes (VRRRRROOOOOM) r: may sound like a “RR” if a word begins or ends with it, or if it follows a consonant (EJ: rápido, televisor, verdad)
Letras especiales: c: can have 2 pronunciations: When followed by a, o, u, or a consonant other than an h, it is a ‘hard c,’ pronounced like /k/. (como, practica) When followed by e or i, it is a ‘soft c,’ and is pronounced like the /s / (doce, gracias, silencio). g : can also have 2 pronunciations ‘hard g,’ : /g/ (grande, pegamento) ‘soft g,’ : /h/ (gimnasio, eligir)
Letras especiales: d: may sound like a “th” in certain situations (ciudad/ miedo) ll: can be pronounced 3 different ways depending on the region. /y/, /j/ or /zh/
Practicamos:¿Cómo se ESCRIBE y pronuncia Practicamos:¿Cómo se ESCRIBE y pronuncia? Can you Spell and pronounce these words? gato niño pared reloj pizarra equipo viento habichuela televisor favorito berenjena mantequilla xilófono
PRACTICAMOS: similaridades y diferencias Create a double bubble map to compare and contrast the Spanish and English alphabets. Be sure it is a BALANCED map that includes at least 3 well developed similarities and differences.
Need more practice: http://www.wcpss.net/Page/1871 click on Lesson 101- then on Alphabet http://www.spanishspanish.com/alfabeto_ipower.html http://www.studyspanish.com/pronunciation/alphabet.htm
¿PUEDES? decir el alfabeto en español. pronunciar las vocales en español y dar 3 hechos de ellas. explicar el uso de los acentos escritos. comparar el alfabeto español y el alfabeto inglés. explicar por que es importante saber el alfabeto en español.