Charles Severance University of Michigan From Your Course Syllabus to Earthquake Engineering: Collaboration using the CHEF Framework Charles Severance University of Michigan
Outline Collaborative Activities at UM CHEF Technology CHEF Features CHEF Status The Sakai Project Sakai Technologies Sakai Timeline
Science of Collaboratories Collaboration @ UM 1998 1991 - 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Sakai NMI Grid Portal NEESGrid CHEF 1 CHEF 2 Science of Collaboratories Worktools (Notes Based) WTNG Coursetools (Notes Based) CTNG SPARC
SPARC 2/2001 600 users 800 data sources An advanced users view of SPARC; lots of information in multiple SPARC pages! The typical SPARC collaboration features down the left hand side, page information, resource list, active user list, and chat Streaming video in the lower left. Lots of data and model views throughout the rest of the screen shot. 2/2001 600 users 800 data sources
CourseTools Over 42,000 users at the end of 2003
WorkTools Over 9000 users (2000 active) at the end of 2003 Web-based file-system Over 9000 users (2000 active) at the end of 2003
Science of Collaboratories Digital libraries & documents groups-to- information facilities people-to-people Communication, Collaboration Services Distributed, media-rich technology Remote instruments NSF Funded ITR
CHEF 1.0 Fall 2001: CHEF Development begins Generalized extensible framework for building collaboratories “Best-of” CourseTools, SPARC, WorkTools Integrate across current UM projects and adopt relevant standards Funded internally at UM as replacement for CourseTools All JAVA - Open Source Jakarta Jetspeed Portal Jakarta Tomcat Servlet Container Jakarta Turbine Service Container Build community of developers through workshops and outreach
CHEF Technology Provide a mechanism for software development which will allow organizations to share and re-use each other’s work Utilize existing technologies wherever possible and add value rather than invent all new Enable code reuse across multiple organizations Lead to portal technology - Jetspeed
Not “just” a portal Portals are a framework to deploy tools (aka rectangles) and focus on how the user wants to arrange their own “rectangles” While CHEF technically is a portal, the goal is for the tools to work together closely and seem to really be parts of a larger “tool” CHEF has a lot of features, (services, presence, notification, etc..) which bridge the gap between portal and application framework
CHEF General Tools Announcements Chat Threaded Discussion Calendar Schedule E-Mail Archive Resources (including WebDav) Web-Frame Worksite Setup Profile Notifications / Subscriptions Public View Anonymous Comment
CHEF - More tools Worktools Grid Technologies Course Management Assignments Drop Box Worktools Data Viewers (Live/Stored) Telepresense Video as Data Electronic Notebook Grid Technologies Grid sign on using myproxy Grid computational portal GridFTP ..Many more
Services Long-term lifecycle One instance Must be aware that multiple users can use service Can use memory resident information (often used for cache) Contains as much of the implementation as possible Pluggable implementations Memory version XML implementation Web services implementation Database implementation
Service Implementations Web Svcs Service Implementation Service API Tool Portal Engine Database Service Implementation Clustered Service Implementation There are three elements to CHEF services which a teamlet interacts with: The Service API which defines the properties and methods of the service. The Service Component which is the actual implementation of the service. Core Components are the objects which are exchanged between the services and the teamlets. The properties file determines which Service Components are user for each Service API. At runtime, the Teamlet consults Turbine to get the Service API to the appropriate Service Component. Turbine Service Broker The API is an Interface – There can be any number of different service implementations which implement the Interface. At run-time Turbine reads a configuration file and associates the appropriate service implementation with each API and provides lifecycle services to the service.
CHEF Implementation Architecture - More Detail Tomcat Servlet Container CHEF Implementation Architecture - More Detail Jetspeed Portal Velocity CSS Tool Servlet Turbine Framework Turbine Service Turbine Service Turbine Service In addition to Jetspeed, CHEF operates within a Servlet container called Jakarta Tomcat. Whereas portlets operate in one “recatangle” which is a subset of the screen, Servlets control the entire HTTP response or even talk non-HTTP protocols.
Example Architecture - Resources Tomcat Servlet Container Example Architecture - Resources HTTP WEBDAV Jetspeed Portal Velocity CSS Resource Tool Access Servlet Webdav Servlet Turbine Security Service Content Service User Dir. Service src/java/org/chefproject/actions/ src/vm/chef_resources_show.vm (plus 10 more) src/java/org/chefproject/service/component/ src/java/org/chefproject/service/component/ src/java/org/chefproject/service/component/ src/java/org/chefproject/servlet/ src/java/org/chefproject/servlet/
Adding Grid Infrastructure to CHEF The value of a component based architecture Grid Service API Tools Jetspeed Tomcat / Apache CHEF Grid Service Component MyProxy COGs Grid UserDirectory Provider Service UserDirectory Provider CHEF UserDirectory Service Component UserDirectory Jetspeed Login The UserDirectory and GroupDirectory services also use Turbine to find the appropriate UserDirectoryProvider and GroupDirectoryProvider at run-time using the same configuration mechanism as the Service API and Service Components. Existing CHEF New Code User IU Portlets LDAP GridFTP Proxy Existing GRID IU Code
CHEF Applications CourseTools Next Generation WorkTools Next Generation NEESGrid NSF National Middleware Grid Portal
CourseTools Next Generation Over 5000 users at the end of 2003
Worktools Next Generation New WorkTools Sites being created in WTNG as of 12/2003 Run on the same servers as CTNG.
NEESGrid - The Equipment Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation NSF Funded. NCSA, ANL, USC/ISI, UM, USC, Berkeley, MSU
CHEF-Based NEESGrid Software
NEESGrid - Video as Data Still Image / Camera Control ~ < > ^ Control Plugin Thumbnail + Audio + Data < > + Thumbnail Process Data Viewer
NMI / OGCE NSF National Middleware Iniative Indiana, UTexas, ANL, UM, NCSA
CHEF Status CHEF is stable and released Other derived variants of CHEF CHEF 1.2 from Workshops twice per year Technical support mailing list Collaborative site Other derived variants of CHEF NMI 1.0 Beta from NEESGrid 2.1 from CHEF has demonstrated its value as collaborative tool or integration fabric
Life is tough for a framework The benefit of a framework is when many people adopt it and tools become built creating a “market” of tools Frameworks combine off-the-shelf technology with value added “glue” CHEF is based on Jetspeed / Velocity / Turbine There are a lot of frameworks - all competing for mindshare A successful framework needs several things: Based on familiar off-the-shelf components which are “popular” Many tools in place with at least one “killer application” Demonstrated commitment on the part of a community who adopt it “all-the-way” Understand that there will be many frameworks
What is Next: SAKAI U Michigan, Indiana U, MIT, Stanford, uPortal All have built portals / course management systems JSR-168 portlet standard requires us all to re-tool and look at new approach to portals Course Management System Standards Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) needed full implementation IMS standard such as Question and Testing Interoperability (QTI) Why not coordinate this work , do the work once, and share each others solutions? Integrate across projects at multiple institutions and adopt relevant standards Collaboration at the next frontier - implementation Tool Portability Profile (TPP) Truly portable tools and services Tools built at different places look and feel the same and share data and services This is difficult - Interoperability is harder than portability Mellon Foundation funding
MIT Stellar MIT’s Stellar
Customizable page menu Sites are accessed via their tab Michigan’s CTNG UM CTNG Foreign Language support Synoptic views Customizable page menu Presence
Indiana OnCourse Indiana’s OnCourse
Stanford’s CourseWork Stanford - CourseWork Stanford’s CourseWork
uPortal uPortal
SAKAI Overview "Best of" Refactoring Jan 04 July 04 May 05 Dec 05 Activity: Maintenance & Transition from a project to a community Michigan CHEF Framework CourseTools WorkTools Indiana Navigo Assessment Eden Workflow Oncourse MIT Stellar Stanford CourseWork Assessment OKI OSIDs uPortal SAKAI 1.0 Release Tool Portability Profile Framework Services-based Portal Refined OSIDs & implementations SAKAI Tools Complete CMS Assessment SAKAI 2.0 Release Tool Portability Profile Framework Services-based Portal SAKAI Tools Complete CMS Assessment Workflow Research Tools Authoring Tools "Best of" Refactoring Activity: Ongoing implementation work at local institution… Primary SAKAI Activity Architecting for JSR-168 Portlets, Refactoring “best of” features for tools Conforming tools to Tool Portability Profile Primary SAKAI Activity Refining SAKAI Framework, Tuning and conforming additional tools Intensive community building/training
Relationship to Other Efforts OKI uPortal IMS JSF Tomcat IEEE Sakai - A Profile + Implementation Sakai is a consumer of standards, and technologies to be assembled into an implementation and a profile with some Sakai-specific value add in certain areas. As we work through development issues, we may identify new ideas/problems/extensions that we will suggest back to these groups by participating in those groups as a participant. Even though uPortal and OKI have received funding as part of the Sakai project it does not change the basic relationship between the projects.
Comparison to JISC eLearning Program Similar in scope but very complimentary Sakai Conservative, production oriented, Java APIs, little new pedagogy, large project JISC eLearning Research oriented, web services and multiple languages, explores pedagogy, series of small projects
Technical Coord. Committee Chair Board Joseph Hardin, UM, Chair & Project Manager Brad Wheeler, IU, Vice Chair Jeff Merriman, MIT-OKI Amitava ’Babi’ Mitra, MIT- AMPS Carl Jacobson -JASIG Lois Brooks, Stanford Technical Coord. Committee Chair Chuck Severance Tools Rob Lowden Architecture Glenn Golden Educational Partners Jim Farmer Local Teams Local Teams Indiana Univ. U of Michigan MIT Stanford uPortal Indiana Univ. U of Michigan MIT Stanford uPortal DeAnza Berkeley Yale
Sakai Educational Partner’s Program Membership Fee: US$10K per year, 3 years Access to SEPP staff Community development manager SEPP developers, documentation writers Knowledgebase Developer training for the TPP Exchange for partner-developed tools Strategy and implementation workshops Early access to pre-release code Official launch date for SEPP services is 1 March 2004. The Core Sakai institutions will develop ensure the project deliverables are met during the 2 years of the Sakai Project. The SEPP is the long-term community to ensure Sakai’s continuing evolution and value. Over a dozen partner institution commitments already committed to SEPP as of January 2004 (announcements soon). Note that some estimate licensing costs of a course management system are approximately 20% of the total cost of ownership. The open source nature of Sakai means that any institution can use the Sakai software with no licensing costs or any fees whatsoever for the code. The Sakai Educational Partner’s Program provides a community to help address the other 80% of the cost of a CMS or other Sakai tool.
FAQ: Educational Partners Is the SEPP program buying access to the source code? No - the source code will be published openly and freely according to the Sakai project plan. SEPP partners will see the releases several weeks before the public release so they can review, comment, and generally help with the release process. SEPP members will be invited to a pre-release workshop to examine the release and interact directly with the Sakai core team. Is the SEPP program buying a “vote” in the governance of Sakai or the consensus process developing specification for Sakai? No - as specifications are developed and initial versions are released comments are welcome from anyone. We hope that there is never a “vote” throughout the entire Sakai project - we hope that this is about making the right technical choices and that the proper choice will bubble up through active discussion with as wide a range of people as possible.
SEPP FAQ Continued.. So, I don’t need to pay for source and I am not buying a vote - sounds like I should not join the SEPP Wrong - By joining the SEPP, you become an active part of the Sakai team The SEPP staff will keep you apprised of all Sakai activities and bring important issues to your attention. The SEPP staff attend all major meetings and if you let them know your requirements, and needs, the SEPP staff will make sure that your requirements are considered at the exact moment that the discussions and decisions are being made I know members of the Sakai core team - they are nice people - why don’t they just do this instead of making a big fuss about the SEPP? Yes - you are right about them being nice people. But they need to focus on the outrageous timeline forced upon them by the funding agency and the (really mean) Sakai board. Given that pressure, even nice people might conveniently forget about your requirements at crunch time. By having SEPP staff who have no line project responsibility, they remain focused on the needs of the SEPP members - even when things get a little hectic. Running a project with as much public interest as Sakai requires dedicated resources for communication or the project is in danger of failing - depending on developers to perform this role is very dangerous.
SEPP FAQ Continued… (last slide) So does this mean that the Sakai core team is sequestered and that I as a SEPP member never get to talk to the core team? Again, you are incorrect - the Sakai team is interested in interacting with anyone who has a significant comment, problem or issue so that it can be resolved as quickly as practical. We are all motivated for the Sakai product to be “right” - if something is wrong we need to hear about it quickly and directly. The SEPP staff will bring in the relevant members of the core team into the discussion whenever it is appropriate. (Because the SEPP is part is every significant meeting, they know exactly who is the lead in any area of the project at any given moment) The Sakai core team engages in discussions with anyone who can shed light on issues regardless of whether or not they are in the SEPP - the difference for SEPP members is that you are kept in the loop in terms of what the current questions are. Is this about the money? No. The expected revenue from the SEPP funds is somewhere between 5% and 2% of the expected expenditures in the project (depending on whether you look at minimum required match or the approximate expected match respectively)
Hewlett Grant Announcement Partners – Feb 9, 2004 Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University Cornell University Foothill-DeAnza Community Colleges Harvard University Northwestern University Princeton University Tufts University University of Colorado University of California-Berkeley University of California-Davis University of California-LA University of California-Merced University of Hawaii University of Oklahoma University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison Yale University
A Diverse Team Learn from each institution’s strengths OKI - Life in the public eye UM / uPortal - Building for others to use MIT - Content focused CMS approach MIT - Experience with OCW and OKI Stanford - Assessment IU / Stanford - Requirements and design methodology IU - Open Source Profile Initiative
Project Philosophies Consensus decision making - hopefully the right answer will prevail through open discussion Board is the “court of last resort” We are a 30+ person startup for the next two years We will make pragmatic decisions to move forward toward our goals Success = a product which is equal to or better than commercial products
Open/Open Licensing “..all work products under the scope of the Sakai initiative for which a member is counting matching contribution and any Mellon Sakai funding” will be open source software and documentation licensed for both education and commercial use without licensing fees. Significant difference between a “product” and a “component” Unlimited redistribution is an important aspect of a license.
The good of the many… This is not about foisting existing solutions across the partners Each university will let go of their CMS by 2005 (really) Indiana is dropping their University portal effort (OneStart) uPortal is changing their whole portal to use JSR-168 - Their current interface will be an “adapter”
Sakai Enhancement Process Focus Groups 1 to 1 Conversations Development Lead Prioritized Feature List Falcon Tools Lead Sakai Board Online CMS Suggestions Suggestions Collected Documented Tracking # assigned Sakai Enhancement E-mail Institution Representative Rob Lowden, 2/19/04
Sakai All-Hands Developer Meeting February 19-20, Stanford
Portability Profile (as of today) Tools JSF GUI Layer - JSP Document (looking at XML) JSR 168 Portlet JSR Servlet Standard Services Setter dependency injection and service location Spring, OKI, Avalon Looking for Enterprise Storage Technology Oracle XML / CMP EJBs / Hibernate (big ??) High performance for clustering and scaling This is in progress - so it may change
Sakai Framework/Config uPortal / JSR - 168 Sakai Framework/Config JSF Render JSP Layout <sakai:toolbar> < … JSP Layout <sakai:toolbar> < … … Tool Config Beans View Beans Action Action Service Config Beans Method Service Config Beans Method The Slide.
uPortal Portlet Roadmap Support Portlets (JSR-168) via adapter uPortal 3.0 Implement Portlet Specification (JSR-168) Support IChannel via adapter Framework Chan Chan Framework Pluto Portlet Portlet Chan Chan Adapter Portlet Portlet Adapter Pluto Portlet Portlet Chan Chan Feb 19, 2004 SAKAI Developer’s Workshop, Stanford University
FAQ: uPortal and Sakai Is Sakai telling uPortal what to do because uPortal receives funding through the Sakai project A little bit - JSR-168 is critical to the Sakai project so Sakai has requested JSR-168 support as part of uPortal’s version 2.3 and 3.0 Note 1: That request assumed that supporting JSR-168 would be part of the strategic direction of uPortal whether or not Sakai existed. We feel that without JSR-168 support uPortal’s complete dominance of the open-source portal space would erode rather rapidly
uPortal / Sakai FAQ (cont) Is Sakai telling uPortal what to do because uPortal receives funding through the Sakai project? No - The entire implementation detail of uPortal’s JSR-168 is up to uPortal and every other design decision regarding uPortal is made in the same manner as it has always been done in uPortal - Sakai acts as just another member of the uPortal community in that respect Note: Part of the reason that uPortal is a partner in Sakai is because of its strong open source process and strong community of users. Sakai hopes to learn best practices in running an open source project from the uPortal group.
uPortal / Sakai FAQ (cont) Will uPortal drop support or break the iChannel, cWebProxy interface? Absolutely not - The iChannel interface and all of the Channel implementations which already exist in the uPortal community are highly valued as Sakai explores the blending of collaborative/learning management systems with enterprise portals. Any other thoughts on uPortal? Yes - there are a number of elements of uPortal which Sakai feels are unique advantages of uPortal compared other portals: The flexible skinning using XML/XSLT, the ground breaking work on building an internationalized portal, the flexibility of the portal presentation beyond just images and skins (tab/column, tree-view, etc..)
Sakai: Plenty of Questions How to handle many repositories (Local, DSpace, Fedora, JSR-170) with different semantics though one API? As we implement the OSIDs, how to store information in a way that is both efficient/fast/scalable and flexible/reusable - perhaps using RDF/URI as a way to search/use content “at a distance” - what about access control though? How to take the OKI APIs and add sufficient detail (out-of-band-agreements) so as to make it clear how to write tools? How to make AUTHZ scalable, fast, portable, and interoperable? How to make this extendible in languages other than JAVA? What is the role for web services in this project? Why not just define everything in UML and WSDL?
Lots of Thorny Issues on a Board
Major Project Phases Architecture and Technology Research (12/03 - 03/04) Small group (~8) lots of communication Selecting, testing, and gluing underlying components Early Development (03/04 - 06/04) Medium sized group (~16) Development of 2-3 tools with a focus on validating the architecture and technology components Full development of requirements begins Deep research into OKI DR AUTHN and AUTHZ implementations Full Development (07/04 - 12/05) Full group compliment (30 - 50) Development driven by requirements in “steady-state” mode All tools rebuilt and new tools built SEPP members will volunteer for and begin building tools
Sakai 1.0 Contents (07/04) Complete Framework including JSF to Portlet Rendering and JSR-168 version of uPortal All of the CHEF tools and services in legacy mode Several new TPP compliant tools: Navigo (Assessment), DR Tool Seamless look and feel between legacy and TTP-compliant tools Complete Portability Profile “book” Ready to deploy as LMS (looks a lot like CHEF 1.2 plus) Ready to use as a development platform with rich sample applications Nearly complete implementation of OKI OSIDs, façade classes, and full interoperability with CHEF services Goal: Deployable in production at UM, Pilot at the other institutions
Sakai 2.0 (2Q05) Complete replacement of CHEF-based (legacy) tools TPP Compliant, using OKI and Sakai APIs Specs based on the TFS - tools will be richer and deeper Each partner institution will focus on a set of tools to develop SEPP partners will be involved in the new tool development based on ability and commitment.
A Vision We will create an open-source learning management system, but at the same time create a portal framework, market, clearinghouse, cadre of skilled programmers, and documentation necessary to enable many organizations to focus their energy in developing capabilities/tools which advance the pedagogy and effectiveness of technology-enhanced teaching, learning, and collaboration rather than just building another threaded discussion tool as a LMS.
Summary Think of learning management systems, campus portals, and problem solving environments as very similar activities and perhaps components and frameworks can be developed which can be used in more than one application space Organizational collaboration is about letting go of local totems and truly depending on one another If successful, the Sakai project may well create whole new ways for IT organizations to work together - our LMS may be a very small part of its overall impact. Imagine a time, where 20 Universities, each with 10-100 IT staff set out to solve some common problem together. That is ~1500 professional, paid developers with a common goal - if you were in charge, what would you have them do?