Table of Contents P.1- Vocabulary P.2- VA Court System Chart P.3- US Court System P.4- Guided Reading P.5- Content Quiz
Vocabulary Judicial Branch- Interpret Laws Appeal- to ask a higher court to review a case and determine if justice was done. Original Jurisdiction- The authority to hear a case First. Appellate Jurisdiction- The authority to hear an appeal Magistrate- issues search warrants, subpoenas, arrest warrants, summons, and set bail U.S. Supreme Court- highest court in the land Subpoena- a court order to produce a witness or document Article III- List the jobs and organizations of the Judicial Branch Judicial Review- The power that allows the court to overturn a law or executive act if the court finds it unconstitutional Marbury vs Madison- established the principle of judicial review at the national level.
Vocabulary Quiz __________- Interpret Laws __________- to ask a higher court to review a case and determine if justice was done. __________- The authority to hear a case First. __________- The authority to hear an appeal __________- issues search warrants, subpoenas, arrest warrants, summons, and set bail __________- highest court in the land __________- a court order to produce a witness or document __________- List the jobs and organizations of the Judicial Branch __________- The power that allows the court to overturn a law or executive act if the court finds it unconstitutional
Judicial Branch Virginia, like each of the other forty-nine states, has its own court system whose organization and jurisdiction are derived from Virginia’s constitution and state laws.
Virginia Court System Magistrates issue search warrants, subpoenas, arrest warrants, and summons and set bail. Virginia Supreme Court (Justices/no jury) Court of final appeal (Appellate jurisdiction) Limited original jurisdiction Court of Appeals of Virginia (Judges/no jury) Appellate jurisdiction from circuit courts Circuit Court (Judge and jury) Original jurisdiction for felony criminal cases and for certain civil cases Appellate jurisdiction from district courts General District Court (Judge) Original jurisdiction of misdemeanors Civil cases generally involving lower dollar amounts Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (Judge/no jury) Juvenile and family cases
United States Court Systems and Notes U.S. Supreme Court (Justices/no jury) Jurisdiction: Appellate and Limited Original U.S. Court of Appeals Jurisdiction: Appellate U.S. District Court (Judge with jury) Jurisdiction: Original The supreme courts of the United States and Virginia determine the constitutionality of laws and acts of the executive branch of government. This power is called judicial review. Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review at the national level. The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the land. State laws must conform to the Virginia and United States constitutions. * Courts resolve two kinds of legal conflicts- civil and criminal
10b Marbury vs Madison The supreme courts of the United States and Virginia determine the constitutionality of laws and acts of the executive branch of government. This power is called “judicial review.” Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review at the national level. The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the land. State laws must conform to the Virginia and United States constitutions.
10a/b Guided Reading Use pg 67-68 in coachbook to answer the questions The only court named in the constitution was the ____ ______. Federal ____ are appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the Senate. They can only be removed if Congress ___ them. In the 1803 case of __ vs __, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the constitution was Supreme law of the land. The Supreme Court decides if a Federal Law or a state constitution, or an action by the executive branch, ____ with the United States Constitution. The constitution of each state has organized a __ ___ for the state. There are basically two kinds of courts in VA, trial courts and _____ courts. It decides if state laws conflicts with the state ____ and if it is be interpreted correctly. Supreme Court _______ serve for 12 years. ______ can issues search warrants and subpoenas, jail those charged, and administer oaths. In criminal cases, the ____ decides if a defendant is guilty. Use Chart on pg 68 The Va Supreme Court reviews cases from _____ ______ and some cases from circuit court. The Court of ____ reviews circuit court cases. Circuit Courts try _______ cases that might lead to jail terms. Juvenile and Domestic relations Courts hear offences committed by ________.
Guided Reading Continued Read pg 79-82 in Blue Coachbook and answer questions on pg. 79&82 Read pgs 67-68 in Purple Coachbook and answer question 1,2,& 3