Project Overview and EOSC Governance Per Öster <>
50 Deliverables EOSCpilot in Numbers 28 24 Months 33 Partners 1035 Person months 33 Partners 1 Coordinator STFC 28 Milestones 9 Work Packages 50 Deliverables The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
Project Partners STFC LIBER CSC TRUST-IT MPG ATHENA RC EMBL JISC 33 Partners and 15 linked third parties STFC LIBER CSC TRUST-IT MPG ATHENA RC EMBL JISC SURFSARA PRACE EGI CNR CNRS INFN KIT DESY UEDIN INGV BGS BSC XFEL UGOE ECRIN DANS UMAN ICOS ERIC PIN GEANT Assn CEA INAF CINECA BBMRI ESS The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
EOSCpilot project will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice; develop a number of pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to demonstrate interoperability in a number of scientific domains; and engage with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
KIT/UEDIN STFC MPG/EMBL CSC ARC/Jisc SURF/EGI CNRS/INFN TRUST/LIBER Twitter @EOSCpilot SlideShare eoscpilot Linkedin YouTube eoscpilot The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
EOSC Governance What to Govern? Stakeholder driven Governance? Role of RDA? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
EOSC Governance EC communication on EOSC governance structure (COM(2016) 178 final): Create a fit-for-purpose pan-European governance structure to federate scientific data infrastructures and overcome fragmentation. The institutional set-up will oversee long-term funding, sustainability, data preservation and stewardship. It will build on existing structures to involve scientific users, research funders and implementers* * Such as ESFRI, INSPIRE, eIRG, GEANT, PRACE, ELIXIR, the Belmont Forum and similar federating initiatives The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
EOSC Governance Example of basic notion of stakeholder engagement ”Those groups who can affect or are affected by the achievements of an organization's purpose should be given the opportunity to comment and input into the development of decisions that affect them” (Stakeholder Engagement: A Road Map to Meaningful Engagement, Doughty Centre, Cranfield School of Management) The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
EOSCpilot Pilots\Exemplars EOSC Engagement EOSCpilot Engagement EOSCpilot Pilots\Exemplars Need to distinguish between: Stakeholder engagement in the EOSCpilot Stakeholder engagement as a driver of the overall governance framework of the EOSC EOSCpilot “Facilitators” EOSC Implementations a b EOSCpilot EOSC
EOSCpilot response to DG RTD/DG CNECT RI and e-Infrastructure WP Call Topic: Scope: The action should build on existing infrastructures and design a stakeholder driven governance framework, with the involvement of the research user community, the research infrastructures and the research funding bodies to ensure its sustainability. Expected impact: Provide a governance and business model that sets the rules for the use of data, deals with issues related to privacy, sensitivity, copyright and security and oversees the provision of services (business and governance layer). EOSC ∪ RDA ♥️ The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
Thanks! The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563