Classification of Autoimmune Liver Diseases (AILD)


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Presentation transcript:

Classification of Autoimmune Liver Diseases (AILD) Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) Cholestatic AILD Primary biliary cirrhosis cholangitis (PBC) 2015 Primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) IgG4-associated cholangitis (IAC) Overlap syndrome AILD is classified into Autoimmune hepatitis, AIH and cholestatic AILD, which includes PBC, PSC, and IgG4 associated cholangitis. In addition, there are some patients showing overlap of Autoimmune hepatitis and cholestatic AILD.

Frequency of Autoimmune Liver Diseases <2% of liver ds Frequency of Autoimmune Liver Diseases <2% of liver ds. in liver clinic : Rare Disease Chronic hepatitis Liver cirrhosis AILD is a rare disease in hepatology. As shown in this slide, AILD occupies only 2% of the patients with chronic hepatitis, and 1% of liver cirrhosis patients in our hospital. 6,307 patients visited to a liver clinic in SNUBH, South Korea (2005-2010) Lee SS, et al. Clin Mol Hepatol 2012;18;309

Definition of Rare Disease No single definition but defined by prevalence US: < 1/1,500 (<200,000 people in US) at any give time Europe: <1/2,000 & life-threatening or chronically debilitating ds. that special combined efforts are needed to address them Japan: < 1/2,500 (<50,000 people in Japan) Korea < 20,000 people in South Korea Orphan disease a synonym for rare disease A distinct legal meaning, “The orphan drug movement” or “Orphan Drug Act” Benefit for drug development (tax incentives, financial subsidies, lower cost for clinical trials of small sample size, enhanced patent protection…) 281 marketed orphan drugs, 600 drugs in clinical trials in 2014 AILD patients receive a healthcare benefit from government in many countries Globally 300 million people are affected by a rare disease 5,000-7,000 rare diseases, only 400 have therapies Although there is no single definition for rare disease, it is defined by prevalence less than 1 among 2500 people in Japan, while it is defined by patient’s number less than 20 thousand in South Korea. As a synonym for rare disease, the term of orphan disease has a distinct legal meaning such as tax incentives for drug development for rare disease. The patients with AILD usually receive a healthcare benefit from government in most countries.

AIH: Diagnosis ↑AST/ALT, immunoglobulin G (IgG) Autoantibodies are usually present ANA, SMA, anti-LKM1 ≥1:40 in adults, ≥ 1:20 in children Liver biopsy is essential Interface hepatitis, portal plasma cell infiltration Biochemical markers not correlate with histological severity Exclusion of other etiologies Viral(A,B,C), alcohol (>25-50 g/d) drug (minocycline, nitrofurantoin, interferon α, methyl dopa, et al) hereditary liver diseases (ceruloplasmin, iron, ferritin, α1AT).. Scoring systems The diagnosis of AIH is usually based on the elevated levels of ALT and IgG, with presence of conventional autoantibodies, such as ANA, Anti-SM, anti-LiverKidneyMicrosome type1 Ab. Liver biopsy is essential for the diagnosis and guiding therapeutic decisions, if there are no contraindications. The exclusion of other etiologies of liver injury is a prerequisite diagnostic criteria.

AutoAntibodies in AIH Type 1 AIH Type 2 AIH ANA (70-90%): speckled or homogeneous, IF F-actin reactive SMA (60-80%), IF Anti-SLA/LP (10-20%): Poor Px marker, ELISA Type 2 AIH Anti-LKM-1 (90%): CYP2D6(target Ag), IF or ELISA Anti-LC-1(30%): IF Helpful for Dx, but Nonspecific (+) in nearly all kind of liver ds, even in healthy person Type 1 AIH is the most common type in adult patients more than 75%. It is characterized by presence of ANA and ASM, both of which are detected by indirect immunofluorescence. However, these 2 abs can be detected in many other liver diseases or even in normal individuals. Therefore these are not specific for AIH. Anti-SLA/LP(soluble liver antigen/or liver pancreas ag measured by ELISA method is the most specific Ab detected in type 1 AIH, however, it is found only in 10-20% of the patients. This ab reflects disease activity and relapse risk after Tx, and indicates a poor clinical outcomes. However, its availability in clinics is limited in many countries. Type 2 AIH is characterised by anti-LKM1 which has a well defined antigenic target of Cyptochrome 2D6. It can be evaluated either by IF or ELISA. Anti-Liver cytosol 1 ab also shows a high specificity for type 2 AIH, but low sensitivity. Himoto T, Autoim Highlights 2013;4:39,

Pathology of AIH Interface hepatitis, enlarged portal tract The pathological findings of typical AIH are Interface hepatitis, Portal inflammation with plasma cells, lymphoid follicles and lobular activities. The interface hepatitis shown in the left panel of this slide is formerly called as piecemeal necrosis, and it is ass with ds. Progression. Lobular activity ranges from single cell necrosis to confluent massive necrosis with regenerating cell clusters, which is called as cobblestone appearance Rt panel of this slide shows an Emperiopolesis, which means that one immune cell penetrates into a larger cell: emperiopolesis was found in 70% of the Western patients, but 15% of Japanese pt. Bile duct damage can be seen in AIH, but loss of bile duct or granulomatous cholangitis are not present in AIH. Interface hepatitis, enlarged portal tract Emperiopolesis Harada K, Hepatol Res 2017

Scoring System for Diagnosis of AIH 1999 IAHG Category Factor Score 1) Gender Female +2 2) ALP/AST ratio <1.5 +2 1.5 – 3.0 0 > 3.0 -2 3) Γ-globulin(IgG) levels above normal >2.0 +3 1.5 – 2.0 +2 1.0 - 1.5 +1 <1.0 0 4) ANA, SMA, anti-LKM1 titers 1: 80 +2 1: 40 +1 < 1: 40 0 5) AMA positive -4 6) Viral marker positive -3 negative +3 7) Drugs yes -4 no +1 Category Factor Score 8) Alcohol < 25 g/day +2 > 60 g/day -2 9) HLA DR3 or DR4 +1 10) Immune ds +2 thyroiditis, colitis, synovitis 11) liver-defined Ab +2 anti-SLA/LP anti-actin, anti-LC1 pANCA 12) Histology interface hepatitis +3 plasma cells +1 rosettes +1 none of above -5 biliary change -3 other features -3 13) Tx. Response complete +2 relapse +3 This comprehensive scoring system, so called revised original scoring system, was published in 1999 by the international AIH group. It is widely validated and used with high sensitivity but somewhat lower specificity. However, this is too complex to use in clinics. Sensitivity=100% Specificity=73% Predictability 82% PreTx. Score: definite diagnosis >15, probable diagnosis: 10-15 PostTx. Score: “ “ >17, “ “ : 12-17 Wiegard C, Semin Liver Dis 2009

Simplified Diagnostic Criteria for AIH 2008 IAHG variables cutoff points ANA or SMA ≥ 1:40 1 ≥ 1:80 2 or LKM or SLA + IgG > UNL > 1.1 x UNL Liver histology c/w AIH Typical AIH Absence of viral hepatitis yes Sensitivity 95%, Specificity 90%, Predictability 92% Sensitivity (69.9-61.2%), positive predictive value (86.4-44.1%) for probable-definite Dx with revised scoring system ≥6: probable AIH ≥7: definitive AIH Therefore, the same group proposed the simplified scoring system in 2008. It is based on 4 parameters including antoAbs, IgG ,histology and exclusion of viral hepatitis. In this criteria, anti SLA testing and liver biopsy are required. However, anti-SLA ab testing is not available in many countries, and liver biopsy can not be done in some patients Hennes et al, Hepatology 2008;48:170

Revised Original (1999) vs. Simplified (2008) Scoring System Concordant rate=85% Simplified scoring system: higher specificity with lower sensitivity more likely to exclude the atypical cases (NAFLD, acute onset) No scoring system can supplant clinical judgment Those 2 scoring systems showed a concordant rate of 85%. Compared to the revised original criteria, the simplified criteria has higher specificity with cost of lower sensitivity. Therefore, It is more likely to exclude the atypical cases. Therefore, No scoring system can supplant clinical judgment

Case 1. Female/ 54 Yr ALT 52 IU/L, GGT 102 IU/L, SAP 98 IU/L ANA+(1:160), IgG 1900 mg/dL No viral, alcohol, toxic etiology Obesity with DM type 2 Revised original score: 15 (probable AIH) Simplified score: 6 (probable AIH) Japanese criteria: 3(1/2) (atypical AIH) Liver Bx: typical NASH cirrhosis, no evidence of AIH Let’s see this 54 year-old female case that showed a mildly elevated ALT(52 units) with ANA positivity and elevated IgG. Her score met the “probable AIH” criteria by revised original and simplified scoring system and classified as Atypical AIH by Japanese criteria. However, her liver biopsy revealed a typical NASH cirrhosis without evidence of AIH.

NAFLD with AIH features US study 225 biopsy proven NAFLD (Mayo Clinic) 23% had autoAb (ANA20%, SMA3%) NAFLD with autoAb (88%, 45/51) fulfil Dx criteria of AIH prior to biopsy  after biopsy, 4/51 (8%) were AIH Japan study 212 bx proven NAFLD, ANA+ (33%) AIH score≥ 10 (n=127, 60%): 97% of female/ 20% male pt  after liver Bx, definite AIH only in 0.5% It is very important to perform a liver biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis of AIH or NAFLD before Tx. As shown in these 2 studies in United States and Japan, the biopsy proven NAFLD patients showed ANA or SMA positivity in 23% to 33%. Among the NALFD patients who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of AIH before liver biopsy, only 8% or less than 1% of the patients finally had AIH after liver biopsy. Therefore, it is very important to perform a liver biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis of AIH or NAFLD before Treatment, because corticosteroid therapy for AIH may be harmful to NAFLD. . Admas LA, et al. Am J Gastro 2004;1316 Yatsuji S et al. J Gastro 2005;40:1130

Case 2. Male/21 yr Abnormal LFT on pretest at military recruitment, nausea+ : AST/ALT 698/2,236 IU/L, T. bilirubin 2.3 mg/dL, SAP 208 IU/L Heavy alcohol drinking with history of alcohol withdrawal sx, smoking (3PY) drug(-), sexual contact(+) 176cm/67kg, no remarkable abnormality on physical exam. HAV IgM(-), HBsAg(-), sAb(+), anti-HCV(-), HCV RNA(-), anti-HEV IgM(-) Ceruloplasmin 24.3, urine drug test: negative Abdominal ultrasound: normal ANA- ASM- anti-LKM1- AMA-, ANCA-, IgG/A/M 1400/157/78 EBV DNA(-), EBV VCA IgM(-), HSV IgM(equivocal positive), HSV IgG(+), CMV DNA(-), anti-HIV(-) This young man was presented as ALT level higher than 2,000 IU/L on pretest at military recruitment. Although he was past heavy drinker, his recent hepatitis was not supported by alcoholic history. All of autoantibodies were negative and Immunoglobulin G level was normal. Interestingly he has a history of recent sexual contact, and anti HSV ab type IgM was equiviocally positive.

Case 2. Male/ 21 Yr Liver Biopsy Report: Active lobular hepatitis 1) confluent hepatocytes necrosis 2) regenerating hepatocytes 3) mild portal inflammation Note) The possibility of acute hepatitis (viral, toxin/drug-induced etc.) could be suggested. Immunohistochemical staining for Herpes virus was negative. His liver biopsy findings were active hepatitis with confluent necrosis and mild portal inflammation. The both of the scoring systems indicated no diagnosis of AIH. PreTx. Score (6) < 10: No diagnosis of AIH Simplified score(2) : No diagnosis of AIH

Case 2. Male/ 21 Yr PostTx revised original score (13): Probable AIH Liver Bx#1 2013/9/30 Liver Bx#2 2013/11/25 Acyclovir 10/2-10/25 Valacyclovir 12/13-12/30 Pd 30mg 2014/4/14 -2014/11/8 AZT 50mg 2014/4/21 -2016/9/8 2013 9/27 10/9 11/8 11/26 12/13 2014 1/5 3/13 4/14 6/9 2016 12/23 Albumin 4.7 3.9 4.5 4.2 4.4 5.0 Bilirubin 2.3 1.8 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.7 1.3 1.0 SAP 208 165 125 170 143 109 99 84 91 AST 698 395 221 326 123 31 37 333 17 ALT 2236 1353 541 1190 440 64 127 416 29 12 IgG 1310 1400 1430 1160 PT 90% 98% 86% 102% 96% Because of concern on the aggravation of possible herpes simplex hepatitis by corticosteroid, we tried acyclovir first. ALT level tends to decrease, but relapsed. He underwent 2nd liver Biopsy, which showed a compatible finding with AIH. But still anti-HSV IgM was positive He had no symptoms without jaundice, and we tried 2nd time of antiviral therapy targeting herpes simplex. It was accompanied by rapid decrease of ALT. However, after 6 month of initial presentation, hepatitis relapsed, and at this time, we began to corticosteroid therapy. It resulted in a dramatic normalization of ALT, and finally he successfully discontinued the immunosuppressive therapy. PostTx revised original score (13): Probable AIH Japanese criteria (3[1/2]) : atypical AIH

Acute Onset AIH: Pathology & Clinical Characteristics Centrilobular necrosis Parenchymal collapse Minimal portal inflammation Cobblestone appearance(regenerating hepatocytes) lower interface hepatitis, less lymphoplasmacytic infiltration Low ANA titer, Lower IgG Lower AIH score Higher HLA-DR9 & lower DR4 Similar Tx response This case is compatible with Acute onset AIH. Many Japanese researchers already reported it as atypical case characterized by Pathologically centrilobular necrosis with less portal hepatitis, and clinically lower rate of autoab detection and normal IgG levels. This acute onset AIH cases respond well to the corticosteroid therapy, similar to typical AIH. Awareness of this case is important for timely treatment, and intervention of progression to acute liver failure Harada K. Hepatol Res 2017 Y Aizawa, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016;28:391

Problems in Dx. of AIH No gold standard criteria for Dx No scoring system can replace clinical decision-making: NASH, acute presentation Timely therapeutic trial with corticosteroid in severe case is important There is no gold standard criteria for the Dx. of AIH No scoring system replace clinical judgment, especially in atypical cases. Therefore, timely therapeutic trial with corticosteroid in severe cases is important.