You Are Here Source: Layard (2003)
Happiness, Development and ICTs Richard Heeks Centre for Development Informatics, IDPM University of Manchester, UK Centre for Development Informatics
Definitions and Disciplinary Roots Informatics Development Studies Happiness Philosophy Psychology Economics Emotion Wellbeing Self-Fulfilment
Happiness and Informatics: The Emotionality Route Affective Computing Computer Science “Orange Computing” HCI Inf-emotion Information Science Information Systems
Information Systems and Emotions IS Development IS Implementation IS Use Emotions
Happiness and Development: The Wellbeing Route Subjective Wellbeing Life Satisfaction Utility
Changing Economic Perspectives on Happiness Single Proxy for Objective Utility Multiple Self-Report of Subjective Wellbeing Happiness Philosophy Psychology Economics Emotion Wellbeing Self-Fulfilment
Bhutan and GNH
GNH and the Four Pillars Good Governance Equitable Economic Growth Cultural Preservation Environmental Sustainability
ICT4H: Overview Causes of Happiness ICTs Happiness Causes of Unhappiness Technology Priorities Application Priorities Process Priorities
ICT4H Policy: Causes of Happiness Meaningful Employment and Income Close Family/Friends Relationships Helping Others Creating Something
ICT4H Policy: Causes of Unhappiness Health Disasters & Climate Change Cyber Crime Social Exclusion and Inequality e-Resilience
ICT4H Practice Participative / User-Centred Design H-app-iness Competition
ICT4H Research Agenda Ethics/Philosophy: Happiness as the goal? Conceptualisation: Of happiness and development Analysis: ICTs and the causes of happiness Impact: Of ICT applications on happiness Action Research: Development and implementation of a happiness app