Kappa Sigma Management System Evan Anderson, Matt Brandstein, Deverau Denton, Scott Smith, Margaret Tian
Kappa Sigma - UMD Project Scope Design an internal system to: Improve the recruitment process Eliminate duplicate information Create central location for all prospective candidate information Support Kappa Sigma’s alumni network Promote communication and continued relationships
Current System vs. Proposed System Candidate profiles eliminate duplicates Central location allows for easy and fast information updating and sharing Recruitment statistics measure success and is useful future recruitment planning and goal setting Mass emails to selected groups is easy and convenient way to communicate Connects alumnae to chapter, which previously did not exist Electronic bids and interview invitations are easy to track Easy navigation Records both prospective candidate attendance and chapter member attendance
Characteristics Candidate 1 (COTS Solution: Select-a-Sis by Digital Avalanche LLC) Candidate 2 My Chapter Room by PAZ Communications) Candidate 3 (In-house Custom Solution) Portion of System Computerized Brief description of the portion of the system that would be computerized in this candidate. The recruitment process would be computerized. The process of managing the current membership base would be computerized. All processes would be computerized except for in-person interaction during events and in-person interviews. Benefits Brief description of the business benefits that would be realized for this candidate. Automated voting and commentary process with real-time updates. Saves time. Integrated e-mail service, secure document sharing, central location for event postings and all other chapter related information. Integration of recruitment information, all chapter related information, and alumni information in one central location. Servers and Workstations A description of the servers and workstations needed to support this candidate. Any computer or mobile device that has access to the Internet. Same as Candidate 1.
Select-a-Sis by Digital Avalanche LLC) Candidate 2 Characteristics Candidate 1 (COTS Solution: Select-a-Sis by Digital Avalanche LLC) Candidate 2 My Chapter Room by PAZ Communications) Candidate 3 (In-house Custom Solution) Software Tools Needed Software tools needed to design and build the candidate (e. g., database management system, emulators, operating systems, languages, etc.). Not Applicable. Web Design will be done in-house using Microsoft Expression Studio 4. Hosting website 1&1 to host site, databases, etc. Application Software A description of the software to be purchased, built, accessed, or some combination of these techniques. Select-a-Sis Systems web-based program My Chapter Room web-based program Hosting is provided for by 1&1, which uses PHP for backend development and MySQL for databases. Method of Data Processing Generally some combination of: on-line, batch, deferred batch, remote batch, and real-time. All prospective member ratings and comments are updated in real-time. Recruitment statistics are batch processing. All communication and current member/alumni profile updates are processed on-line. All communication and profile updates are processed on-line. Recruitment statistics are batch processing.
Characteristics Candidate 1 (COTS Solution: Select-a-Sis by Digital Avalanche LLC) Candidate 2 My Chapter Room by PAZ Communications) Candidate 3 (In-house Custom Solution) Output Devices and Implications A description of output devices that would be used, special output requirements, and output considerations. Standard computer monitor or compatible mobile device. Same as Candidate 1. Input Devices and Implications A description of Input methods to be used, input devices, special input requirements, and input considerations. Keyboard, mouse, or mobile device. Individuals need to input their unique UID to gain access to the website each time. Keyboard, mouse, or mobile device. Individuals need to input their unique username and password to gain access to the website each time. Same as Candidate 2. Storage Devices and Implications Brief description of what data would be stored, what data would be accessed from existing stores, what storage media would be used, how much storage capacity would be needed, and how data would be organized. All prospective member information would be stored on and accessed from service provider’s (Digital Avalanche) server. All chapter member and alumni information would be stored on and accessed from the service provider’s (PAZ Communications) server. All recruitment information, current membership information, and alumni information would be stored on the Cloud.
Feasibility Analysis
Physical DFD Current Member
Level 1 Diagram: Manage Alumni Relations Physical DFD Alumni
Implementation Plan Purchase Microsoft Expression Studio 4 Web Build website platform for Kappa Sigma using new software Perform Beta Testing (usability, acceptability, functionality) Grant Access to current members & alumni Direct/abrupt conversion from old system to new (Spring 2015) Old system not nearly as efficient Training session in Spring 2015 before recruitment → prizes Hard copy training manual handed out at training session Matt Summer tutorial and information session before recruitment period. Trivia → prize incentives.
Lessons Learned Scope creep is a very real issue COTS packages increase quickly in price as their capabilities increase
Questions? Thanks for listening!