Birgit Juen
Who is Eliza? Computer program developed in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum (* 8. Jannuary 1923, † 5. March 2008). Very early example of natural language processing. One of the first chatterbots in existence. Named after Eliza Doolittle, a character in George Bernard Shaw’s Play Pygmalion.
Who is Eliza? The program can simulate a human-like interaction. Its mission was the attempt to replicate the conversation between a psychoanalyst and a patient. In a therapeutic situation a human being can reply to a statement with a question, that indicates very little specific knowledge of the topic.
Basically ELIZA works by turning everything you say around: How does it work? Basically ELIZA works by turning everything you say around: Input text is read and inspected for keywords, sentence is transformed according to a rule associated with the keyword, if no keyword is found, a content-free remark is retrieved. More complex: Keywords may have a rank; identification of the most important keyword. Identification of some minimal context within which the chosen keyword appears. Choice of an appropriate transformation rule + making of the transformation. Respond “intelligently” even if no keyword is detected in the input text.
Demo Various versions available for download or to use online i.E.
What Siri says about Eliza
Reference J. “ELIZA – A Computer Program For the Study of Communication Between Man And Machine”. In Communications of the ACM Volume 9, Number 1 (January 1966), pp. 36-45.