Starter – Getting You Thinking
Starter – Getting You Thinking
Transnational Organisations Non-government Organisations (NGOs) Grade C Grade A
NGOs – Explanation (A01) These organisations are not in it for profit or for any benefit, or for the government, purely for humanitarian ends. They are not controlled by governments or IGOs. They are non-political. They provide voluntary aid. They are often funded by members of the public, wealthy benefactors, supported by organisations (e.g. schools and trade unions), and the money they raise if often matched by governments. NGO's are diverse in that they can work on local and global levels, they have a lot of funding and employ a lot of people. Some focus on charity fundraising, campaigning, and/or grass roots developments. Some of the largest NGO's help with disaster relief and are members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), and some of them work on long term development projects.
NGOs – Examples of… (A01) Amnesty International Red Cross Oxfam Others?
NGOs in Tanzania (Case Study) A02
Sovereign Entity NGOs Working to improve Health (Social Indicator)… The Red Cross in Tanzania have… Vaccinated over 14 million children, saving an estimated 15,000 lives. Trained 1000’s of health care workers to run health programmes in villages. Created Malaria education and prevention programmes – distributed 100,000 mosquito nets.
Relief & Development NGO’s working to improve food production… Enterprise Works is a global NGO implementing a 5 year project to help improve irrigation systems in rural communities. Instead of spending time collecting water, farmers can spend time tending to their crops. $500,000 has been spent to date. Small low cost pumps are being provided and a company is being taught how to produce them. Output has increased in the area by 22% and in the dry season farmers are earning twice the price for their crop. Long Term development – social & economic benefits. This water pump will ensure the entire plot is irrigated in the dry season.
Relief & Development NGO’s What are micro-loan (enterprise) schemes? Many NGO’s offer people the chance to borrow a small amount of money with only minimal interest rates to start a business. In Kigoma $200,000 has been lent to mostly rural women. They must save a small % of the money needed themselves, then the money they pay back is used for other loans. Businesses that have started include: Shop owners, hair dressers, furniture makers, selling handi-crafts, growing mushrooms, etc. These businesses provide jobs for others as they develop – reducing the reliance on agriculture. Bottom up role in economic development This small shop started with a micro enterprise loan. It means that Mama Sania does not have to rely on her crops for income. Link to ‘People-Centred’ theories
Strengths & Weakness’ of NGOS – A03 Able to partner with local people on local issues Unclear accountability in larger organisations because of the mass of management More responsive and accountable to donors who they rely on. Could be too interested in good publicity and not the people Because they are not run by governments or on behalf of governments there is continuity in their work as they are not affected by elections Can be smaller and more effective than other larger organisations/bureaucracies Inappropriate funding, for instance using abroad specialists rather than locals for expertise or funding management rather than social programmes Some larger NGO's could work too closely with governments and rely on government funds and so could be influenced by them Not profit driven (although when they get large enough their goals can be blurred) They could have links with TNC's and so could develop on their behalf/interests
Strengths & Weakness’ of NGOS – A03 Able to partner with local people on local issues Unclear accountability in larger organisations because of the mass of management More responsive and accountable to donors who they rely on. Could be too interested in good publicity and not the people Because they are not run by governments or on behalf of governments there is continuity in their work as they are not affected by elections Can be smaller and more effective than other larger organisations/bureaucracies Inappropriate funding, for instance using abroad specialists rather than locals for expertise or funding management rather than social programmes Some larger NGO's could work too closely with governments and rely on government funds and so could be influenced by them Not profit driven (although when they get large enough their goals can be blurred) They could have links with TNC's and so could develop on their behalf/interests
Previous Specification Question
Previous Specification Question
New Specification Question Outline & Explain two ways in which NGOs are ineffective in helping developing countries (10 marks) Use pages 218-219 to help you craft a model answer. A01 – Explain how they are ineffective, stretch: in comparison to IGOs or national governments. A02 – Explain the impact on the developing countries. 2 paragraphs
New Specification Question
Review – You Say We Pay NGO Emergency Aid Trade Liberalisation Sovereign Entity NGO Red Cross Neo-colonialism Oxfam Micro Loans Age of High Mass Consumption New Old
Review - You Say We Pay Lobbying NGO Tanzania People-Centred Approaches Vaccination Malaria Infant Mortality Rate Social Indicators of Development Non-political Sustainable Development New Old