West Forsyth High School Advanced Placement (AP) Program Matt WOodley Mrs. Donna Duncan AP Coordinator Assistant AP Coordinator
What is the AP Program? A challenging set of academic courses based on college-level curricula. Rigorous end-of-course examinations graded against national standards which are common for all students Students will meet both College Board curriculum requirements, as well as Georgia’s.
Why Colleges Like the AP Program Common curriculum across the nation. Courses reflect the coursework found in top introductory college courses Students better prepared for academic rigor of college
Benefits of the AP Program For Students Opportunity for college credit Academic challenge Academic skills needed for college Prepares students for success in college by taking college-level courses while still in high school Valued in the college admission process
The Rewards of AP 85% of selective colleges and universities report that a student’s AP experience favorably impacts admission decisions* Colleges rank grades in college-preparatory courses and strength of curriculum as the two top factors in the admission decision AP courses tell college admission officials that students are challenging themselves and preparing for the rigors they'll encounter in their college careers *Unpublished institutional research, Crux Research Inc., March 2007
The Rewards of AP Opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement Possible tuition savings More likely to complete college degree on time Early entry to graduate/professional schools More likely to pursue a double major
West Forsyth High School AP Offerings 9th grade – Human Geography 10th grade – World History, Biology, Psychology 11th and 12th grade – any of 18 remaining 24 AP Courses offered at West Third year of Computer Science in 2017-18
AP Offerings at West • Arts: Studio Art: Drawing, Studio Art: 2D, Studio Art: 3D • English: English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition History and Social Sciences: United States Government and Politics, Human Geography, World History, Psychology, United States History, Macroeconomics • Mathematics and Computer Science: Statistics, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Computer Science Principles, Computer Science A •Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics I, Physics C: Mechanics • World languages: Latin, Spanish Language and Culture • AP Capstone Diploma: 2-year Commitment including AP Seminar Course, AP Research (after completion of Seminar)
WFHS Valedictorians Every Valedictorian since 2011: AP Human Geography Honors English 9 Honors English 10 Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Between 14 and 17 AP/DL Calculus
West Forsyth by the Numbers 1042 Students in AP last year- 2126 exams 80% of 2126 exams- 3-5 AP Merit School – 20% or more of students take an AP Exam and at least half of exams score a 3 or higher AP STEM School and AP STEM Achievement School- at least 2 AP STEM classes with 40%+ 3-5 AP Humanities School- one ELA, two SS, one FA, one WL exam
West Forsyth by the Numbers AP Scholar Distinction In 2016-2017, 411 West students earned an AP Scholar Distinction 27 National AP Scholars (Avg. 4 or higher on all AP Exams; score of 4 or higher on eight or more exams) 150 AP Scholars with Distinction (Avg. 3.5 or higher on all AP Exams; score of 3 or higher on five or more exams) 85 AP Scholars with Honors (Avg. 3.25 or higher on all AP Exams; score of 3 or higher on four or more exams) 176 AP Scholars (score of 3 or higher on three or more exams)
AP Capstone Diploma Program First school in Forsyth to offer the program 11th (Seminar) and 12th grade (Research) Develops analytic, research, problem-solving, and communication skills Culminates in 5000 word thesis paper 2016-17- 100% scored 3-5 in Seminar, 81% 3-5 in Research
AP Contacts AP Central Colleges’ AP Credit Policies http://apcentral.collegeboard.com Colleges’ AP Credit Policies http://apps.collegeboard.com/apcreditp olicy/index.jsp AP Student Resources www.collegeboard.com/?student AP Parent Resources http://www.collegeboard.com/parents/
Contact WFHS AP Coordinators: Matt Woodley mwoodley@forsyth.k12.ga.us 770-888-3470 Ext: 332821 Mrs. Donna Duncan dduncan@forsyth.k12.ga.us 770-888-3470 Ext: 332903