Prepared by: Yasser M. EL-dahdouh Red Blood Cell Indices Prepared by: Yasser M. EL-dahdouh
Red Blood Cell Indices They are also called red cell absolute values or erythrocyte indices. Red blood cell indices are measurements that describe the size and oxygen- carrying protein( hemoglobin) content of red blood cells. The indices are used to help in the differential diagnosis of anemia.
**The relationships between the hematocrit, the hemoglobin, and the red blood cells are converted to red blood cell indices through mathematical formulas. ** The indices include these measurements: 1- Mean corpuscular volume ( MCV). 2- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin ( MCH). 3- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration ( MCHC).
MCV “ Mean corpuscular volume “ ** is the average volume of the RBCs in femtoliters( fl ), or 10^-15 L. MCV = HCT(%) * 10/ RBCs count (10^-12/L ) ** Cells of normal size ( MCV is 80 – 100 fl )are called normocytic, Smaller cells are microcytic, Larger cells are macrocytic.
These size catedories are used to classify anemia. * Normocytic anemia have normal size cells and a normal MCV. * Microcytic anemia have small cells and a decreased MCV. * Macrocytic anemia have large cells and a increased MCV. Example: Hct= 45%, RBCs count= 5.0 * 10^12/L, MCV= 45 * 10 / 5.0 = 90fl.
MCH “ Mean corpuscular hemoglobin” ** is the average weight of Hb in an RBC, expressed in the units of picograms ( pg) or ( 10^-12g). MCH= Hb(g/dl) * 10 / RBCs count ( 10^12/L). ** Reference range ( 28 – 32 pg ). ** The MCH is not generally considered in the classification of anemia.
Example: Hb= 16 g/dl. RBCs connt= 5.0 * 10^12/L. MCH= 16.0 * 10 / 5.0= 32.0 pg
MCHC ** is the average concentration of Hb in each individual erythrocyte. ** The units used are gram per deciliter ( formerly referred to as a percentage ). MCHC= Hb(g/dl) * 100 / Hct (%) ** Reference range ( 32 – 37 g/dl ). * Hypo chromic cells are less than 32 g/dl. * Hyper chromic cells are greater than 37g/dl. *Values of normo chromic cells range from 32 to 37 g/dl.
Anemia: a variety of condition in which a person blood can not carry as much oxygen as it should due to a decreased number or size of red blood cells. Hypochromic: a descriptive term applied to a red blood cell with a decreased concentration of Hb. Hyperchromic: a descriptive term applied to a red blood cell with a increased concentration of Hb.