Our Solar System
The Sun Yellow dwarf 4.6 billion years Temperature is 5500 degrees Celsius Nearest thing to perfect sphere Light takes eight minutes to get to Earth.
Mercury Orbit period is 87.97 Earth Days. One Mercury day= 177 Earth days Second hottest planet Has many craters Been visited by two spacecraft
Venus Named after goddess of love. Hottest planet in our Solar System. Atmospheric pressure is very strong. Day on Venus is longer than Earth Year. Surface temperature 462°C.
Earth Only planet not named after a god Moon is the only true satellite Between four and five billion years old Rotation is gradually slowing Powerful magnetic field shields from solar winds
Mars Thin atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide Named after roman god of war Massive dust storms Has highest mountain in the solar system Surface temperature -87 to -5°C.
Jupiter Made mostly out of gas Largest planet in solar system Surface temperature is -108°C. Great Red Spot is a giant storm. Has largest moon in solar system.
Saturn Has 62 moons Surface temperature is -139°C Mainly made up of hydrogen Has many rings Four spacecraft have visited Saturn
Uranus One year= 84 Earth years Coldest planet in the solar system Has two sets of thin rings Moons named after William Shakespeare characters Found in 1978
Neptune Small collection of rings Has 14 moons Atmosphere compose of hydrogen+helium Surface temperature is -201°C\ Discovery year 1846
Pluto Dwarf planet Surface temperature -229°C Five known moons Has not been visited by spacecraft Named for Greek god of underworld
Source http://space-facts.com/pluto/