(A) Normal renal anatomy (A) Normal renal anatomy. C = calyx; P = pyramid; RA = main renal artery; RV = main renal vein. (B) Normal kidney. Longitudinal view of the kidney demonstrates peripheral hypoechoic universally thick parenchyma and central hyperechoic renal sinus. Note the echogenic white Gerota’s fascia. Parenchyma is less echogenic then liver. (C) The cortical echogenicity is equal of that of the liver. Several slightly hypoechoic renal pyramids are seen. C = cortical echogenicity; L = liver. (D) Portable ultrasound of the normal right kidney. Note less contrast appearance but renal contour, parenchyma and renal sinus are clearly identified. Source: ULTRASOUND EVALUATION OF THE RENAL SYSTEM AND THE BLADDER, Critical Care Ultrasonography, 2e Citation: Levitov AB, Mayo PH, Slonim AD. Critical Care Ultrasonography, 2e; 2015 Available at: https://accessanesthesiology.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/1115/p9780071793520-ch021_f001.png&sec=73807811&BookID=1115&ChapterSecID=62619233&imagename= Accessed: March 04, 2018 Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved