GCSE French Vocabulary Autumn term – PP 2 Higher Tier Draft / LK
There are about 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying each vocab. item out loud to yourself. Then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself. When you feel confident that you know them all, complete the online test.
un / une camarade [uhn / oon cama-rad] a friend
s’inscrire [san-skrir] to put your name down for… (something)
l’équipe [lay-keep] team
faire la queue [fair lah kuh] to queue
seul(e) [surl] alone
jeune [jurn] young
la ceinture [lah san-tuur] belt
se détendre [suh day-ton-druh] to relax
voler [vol-lay] to fly
ne… que [nuh…kuh] only…
courir [coo-reer] to run
demander [dum-mon-day] to ask
court(e) [kor / kort] short
moins [mwahn] less
plus [ploo] more
poids [pwa] weight
vérifier [vay-rif-fee-ay] to check
avant de [av-von duh] before
la durée [lah d-your-ray] the length
suffir [soo-feer] to be enough
devenir [duv-vun-neer] to become
institutrice [an-stee-too-treece] primary school teacher (female)
animé(e) [an-nee-may] lively
un dessin [uhn dess-san] a drawing