Lesson 15 Vocabulary By: Julian Dakdouk
Noxious Harmful to the health Syn: injurious Ant: harmless Smoking is a noxious deed that causes cancer.
Connive To cooperate secretly in wrongdoing Syn:conspire President bush cooperated in conniving acts such as saving the poor from tax cuts. .
Chutzpah Nerve; audacity Syn: brazenness; effrontery Ant: timidity The Guns and Ammo store had the Chutzpah to go on sale.
Liege A lord, master, or sovereign Syn: king Ant: commoner; servant There are many different kind of lieges in the world.
Odium Hatred Syn: abhorrence Ant:love; adoration The chef must have a great odium for his job.
Crass Coarse; tasteless Syn: crude Ant: refined Dick Cheney and Harry Reid were described as crass on television.
Hypercritical Overcritical; too severe in judgement Syn: faultfinding Ant: lax The judge was hypercritical in his ruling for the child.
Fallacy A mistaken notion; a misconception Ant: truth The fallacy is that you need to lose weight.
Complacent Self-satisfied; smug Syn:assured; confident Ant: humble Simon Cowell is complacent of his judging “skills.”
Befuddle To confuse; to perplex Syn:bewilder; fluster Ant:clarify; elucidate Mazes are meant to befuddle you but when you reach the end the reward might be worth it.
Pandemonium A wild disorder, noise, or confusion Syn: chaos; tumult; din Ant: order; calm There is so much pandemonium in this photo.
Parsimonious Excessively thrifty; stingy Syn: cheap; frugal Ant: extravagant This is the equation of getting a Parsimonious dinner.
Verbose Using more words than are needed; wordy Syn:prolix Ant:terse; concise; succinct The man spoke in a verbose manner which got the employee annoyed.
Laudable Worthy of praise; commendable Syn:admirable Ant: execrable Obama is a laudable person due to the amount of supporters he has.
Indiscreet Not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action Syn:flagrant Ant:prudent The robbers were very indiscreet of breaking into the bank.