BACKGROUND 2013 „Psychoactive Substance Act“: Institut für Therapieforschung München BACKGROUND 2013 „Psychoactive Substance Act“: all new substances are to be subject to a risk assessment before being sold, analog to medicines. Cost lies with producers and retailers. Problematic: many of the parameters assessed can only be evaluated after clearance (Wilkins, 2014); and some test to determine addiction potential are not admitted in the assessment (Reuter & Pardo, 2017a) 2016 „ Psychoactive Substances Act“ Any substance „capable of producing a psychoactive effect in the person that consumes it” is prohibited Psychoactive effect is defined as anything that stimulates or depressed the consumers nervous system or alters the mental functioning and/or emotional state. Exceptions are alcohol, tobacco, medicines, substances, used for research purposes and previously controlled substances Problematic: difficult to define psychoactive, punishment not necessarily in relation to the risk of the substance (Reuter & Pardo, 2017b) 2016 “Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Verbreitung neuer psychoaktiver Stoffe (NpSG)” entire substance groups are outlawed based on their composition mainly cannabinoids, phenethylamines and cathinones focus on trafficking ability to confiscate substances, esp. smoking mixtures and bath salts Exceptions are NPS that have already been outlawed via “traditional legislation” Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESEARCH QUESTIONS Are users aware of the new legislation? Institut für Therapieforschung München RESEARCH QUESTIONS Are users aware of the new legislation? What changes in the general trends in drug use are anticipated with the new legislation? What changes in personal drug use are anticipated with the new legislation? What changes in adverse consequences due to NPS consumption are anticipated? What are the substances being taken by NPS users (established and new)? What are the sources used by users? What are the risks and harms perceived in taking established substances and NPS? Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 Institut für Therapieforschung München METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 after 9-12 months of new legislation – Sept.- Dec. 2017 Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 Institut für Therapieforschung München METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 after 9-12 months of new legislation – Sept.- Dec. 2017 Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
METHODS Two phases Online survey Institut für Therapieforschung München METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 after 9-12 months of new legislation – Sept.- Dec. 2017 Online survey Consumption of established substances (litetime, 12-month and 30-day prevalence, 30-day frequency) Consumption of NPS (type and name, litetime, 12-month and 30-day prevalence, 30-day frequency Supply sources for NPS Money spent /money willing to be spent on NPS Risks associated/perceivede with NPS consumption Knowledge about the new legislation Assumed changes in personal,/general drug use behaviour, in drug market due to new legislation Sociodemographics Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
METHODS Two phases Online survey Sample: Institut für Therapieforschung München METHODS Two phases first 4 months -- Nov.2016 – March 2017 after 9-12 months of new legislation – Sept.- Dec. 2017 Online survey Consumption of established substances (litetime, 12-month and 30-day prevalence, 30-day frequency) Consumption of NPS (type and name, litetime, 12-month and 30-day prevalence, 30-day frequency Supply sources for NPS Money spent /money willing to be spent on NPS Risks associated/perceivede with NPS consumption Knowledge about the new legislation Assumed changes in personal,/general drug use behaviour, in drug market due to new legislation Sociodemographics Sample: NPS consumers familiar with NpSG valid data sets NPS consumers n 241 87 65 % of total 100% 36.1% 27% ⌀ age (SD) 25.4 (8.6) 25.7 (9.5) 25.8 (8.6) % female 33.2% 21% 14.3% Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Substances consumed Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Substances consumed Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Use of NPS Frequency 12-months 30-days NPS 36.1% 19.9% Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Use of NPS Frequency 12-months 30-days (mean, 30-day) NPS 36.1% 19.9% SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS 7.5% 5.0% 19.9 SMOKING MIXTURES 7.9% 3.3% 17.1 BATH SALTS 2.1% 1.2% 4.3 RESEARCH CHEMICALS 27.4% 14.1% 5.0 OTHERS 5.8% 3.7% 8.9 Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT U-47700 2C-B Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT U-47700 2C-B drug legislation (BtMG) illegal under NpSG currently legal Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT U-47700 2C-B drug legislation (BtMG) illegal under NpSG currently legal àNone conrolled under not the NpSG Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Use of NPS Most frequently named NPS 1p-LSD O-PCE 5F-ADB ODT U-47700 2C-B drug legislation (BtMG) illegal under NpSG currently legal àNone conrolled under not the NpSG Respondents spent an average of €36.94 (SD= 71.32, 0-500) per month on NPS Willing to pay average of €79.33 (SD=160.62; 0-1000)per month Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Associated risks of NPS (0 = not at all likely, 10 = very likely) Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS Knowledge on NpSG – “Do you know of the NpSG”? Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS Knowledge on NpSG – “Do you know of the NpSG”? Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
RESULTS What changes in consumption do you anticipate due to NpSG… Institut für Therapieforschung München RESULTS What changes in consumption do you anticipate due to NpSG… ….in the general population … concerning your personal consumption Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION Institut für Therapieforschung München OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION What we learned from the first phase Only few participants used NPS, even less exclusively NPS users estimated the risks similarly to entire sample Of NPS used, Research Chemicals were most popular Most popular RC are not controlled under the NpSG Most users anticipate little to no change in their personal drug use and that of the general population due to the NpSG Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION Institut für Therapieforschung München OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION What we learned from the first phase Only few participants used NPS, even less exclusively NPS users estimated the risks similarly to entire sample Of NPS used, Research Chemicals were most popular Most popular RC are not controlled under the NpSG Most users anticipate little to no change in their personal drug use and that of the general population due to the NpSG Data now gathered will bring more insight into the effectiveness of the new legislation from the viewpoint of users. Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION Institut für Therapieforschung München OUTLOOK AND DISCUSSION What we look forward to What influence is perceived by consumers? Contact with law enforcement? Shift in substances used? less NPS, more established substances? Shift in supply sources? Shift in awareness? Currently running second phase (until End of 2017) Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
Tessa-Virginia Hannemann Institut für Therapieforschung München Institut für Therapieforschung / Leopoldstraße 175/ 80804 München Tel +49 (0) 89 360804 36 Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
REFERENCES Literature Pictures (in order of appearance) Institut für Therapieforschung München Literature • Reuter, P., & Pardo, B. (2017a). New psychoactive substances: Are there any good options for regulating new psychoactive substances? International Journal of Drug Policy, 40, 117-122. Reuter, P., & Pardo, B. (2017b). Can new psychoactive substances be regulated effectively? An assessment of the British Psychoactive Substances Bill. Addiction, 112, 25-31. • Pictures (in order of appearance) Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Institut für Therapieforschung München Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Institut für Therapieforschung München Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Institut für Therapieforschung München Lisbon Addictions 24. – 26. October 2017 Lisbon, Portugal