w w w . l e a r n b l o o d t r a n s f u s i o n . o r g . u k How to access Transfusion E-Learning Resource As part of the Transfusion Acute Care Day programme you must complete the Learnbloodtransfusion eLearning Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice. To access it you will need to be a registered learner with learnPro Community™. New User? Follow the steps below to Register 1. Go to https://community.learnprouk.com and follow the instructions to register – you will need to obtain an activation code first. Click on the ‘Request an Activation Code’ button. You will then be taken to the community help site were you will be asked to fill in some details. Once you have done this click send, and a member of the learnPro team will get back to you with an activation code. Once you have you activation code return to the site and click on the ‘Create an Account:’ button Enter your personal details ; choose a memorable password. N.B - Your email address will become your Username Use the tabs to select the following details ; ensure your final selection is highlighted in grey: w w w . l e a r n b l o o d t r a n s f u s i o n . o r g . u k a). Location – Education >> Select your university / college >> Select the relevant School / Department >> Select the relevant area b). Job Role – Select Education >> All Universities and Colleges >> Select appropriate role e.g., Student – Medical – 5th year 5. Enter your ID number – this is your university matriculation number. 6. Click Finish 7. Login to access the following: Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice Consent Module 2 Blood Components Anti-D (clinical) Acute Transfusion Reactions Safe Sampling video If you experience any difficulty registering please go to the learnPro Community™ Support Site: http://communityhelp.learnprouk.com or call 0131 551 4666